Emilie's Blog (3)

It's Been Two Months

   Well, it's been a little over two months since I got my first corgi, Avery. My intention was to find the perfect little companion, who would go with me wherever I went - especially to the barn.

   I'd have to say I ended up with everything I wanted, and then some! I'm finding it increasingly entertaining that, slowly but surely, I've noticed all of those…


Added by Emilie on February 25, 2012 at 10:45am — 9 Comments

He's here!

Got to pick up my little Avery today! I'm officially a Corgi owner!

I almost couldn't believe how perfect he was for the 3 hour car ride home - I just gave him a rawhide bone and he went to work, munching away. He got to visit the barn for a bit, because my boss has officially christened herself as his godmother, so she wanted to meet him. Now we're home so I can eat lunch before we take our first walk through the neighborhood. Meanwhile, I took some pics on my cell:…


Added by Emilie on December 18, 2011 at 1:30pm — 20 Comments

Saying "hi" at Last

Hello All!

I've been lurking around this place for some time now, so I guess it's about time I introduced myself.

Corgis have been my favorite dogs since I was about 8 or 9 years old - sometime around when I began studying the dog breeds books at the library. I didn't actually meet a Corgi til a few years ago, but that just sealed the deal! Although I'm a total horse-crazy 25 year old (caught the obsession when I was 10 and am now training/showing…


Added by Emilie on December 6, 2011 at 8:47pm — 14 Comments

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