Hello All!

I've been lurking around this place for some time now, so I guess it's about time I introduced myself.

Corgis have been my favorite dogs since I was about 8 or 9 years old - sometime around when I began studying the dog breeds books at the library. I didn't actually meet a Corgi til a few years ago, but that just sealed the deal! Although I'm a total horse-crazy 25 year old (caught the obsession when I was 10 and am now training/showing Haflingers for a living), I'm discovering that I'm also a closet dog person :)

Now that I've been out of school for a few years and am starting to be an "adult" (haha), I have been reminded of my love for Corgis, and this year, I started to think seriously about getting one - especially over the past few months. I haunted Petfinder and every other site I could think of. My first thought was to get a puppy, because, seriously, Corgi puppies are completely irresistible. The picture in my head has always been of a red & white Pembroke male, with big white face markings.

Over time, I realized I really wanted to rescue a dog, but most of the ones in my area where older, and I didn't think I was in the right situation for an older dog at this time in my life. I rescued a pony last year and have enjoyed working with her, so I liked the idea of a similar bond with a Corgi. I decided that if I found one around age 3 or younger, that would be ideal.

That's when I discovered my little guy! Although he technically isn't mine yet - I'll be picking him up sometime between now and Christmas. He was wandering the streets when the shelter picked him up and sent him to the local Corgi rescue - underweight, infested with all sorts of lovely parasites, and un-neutered. When he comes to me, he'll be heartworm/parasite free, vet checked, and neutered.

In the meantime, I've been doing the usual - gathering supplies for my new kid! The only picture I have of him is currently my avatar, but obviously I'll be taking a gazillion more when I pick him up. He's about 2 years old, sable, Pembroke, and has a TAIL! Never thought I'd end up with one looking like him, but he's super sweet, happy-go-lucky, and freakin' cute as a button. I'll be calling him Avery and I can't WAIT to bring him home. He's gonna be my barn buddy at work everyday, as well as my cuddlebug when we're home at night. Hopefully he's up to the challenge ;)

So there you have it, everyone! 

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Comment by Creta Ann Seletyn on December 9, 2011 at 12:16pm

Way to go Emilie! Congratulations on your new buddy Avery! My first corgi was raised in our stables with my horses and talk about a great companion for them! I wish you many years of enjoyment! 

Comment by Emilie on December 7, 2011 at 6:12pm

Thanks everyone for your comments and advice! Much appreciated :)

Comment by John Wolff on December 7, 2011 at 5:49pm

Dogproof your home.  Make sure all food garbage is utterly inaccessible, esp. chokable items of plastic food bags.

If you have smooth floors, nonskid throw-rugs area a good idea for takeoff and landing zones.

Comment by Jennifer Markley on December 7, 2011 at 9:42am

Oh Emilie!  Congratulations!  I am so happy that you two found each other.  You will embark on the best adventure two souls could ever have.  Reminds me of my Dillon...he got dumped at the shelter one cold winter night, left on the porch, no hair on his tail from some weird fungus, and to top it off--he'd been badly abused.  So bad that his tail was broken and completely separated from his body.  He never wagged it, but he didn't need to.  Just the smile on his face everyday and his devotion was more than enough for me.  We were best friends for 16 years.  Still are, just in a different way now.  I still think of him every day...

Comment by Ellen Andersen on December 7, 2011 at 8:27am

Welcome to non-lurkerhood (or something like that ;-)  )   Avery is a great name and thank you thank you for giving a rescue corgi what will be a wonderful home!  Corgis and horses just go together.  I can't wait to see more pics of Avery!

Comment by Tami Martinez on December 7, 2011 at 6:56am
Congratulations on your new addition! He is beautiful!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on December 7, 2011 at 3:46am

woohoo, congratulations to you and Avery!

Comment by Nancy, Victor & Kabu on December 6, 2011 at 11:32pm
Congrats on attaining your favorite dog! Avery's gonna be real happy with you I bet. Get ready for parenthood!
Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on December 6, 2011 at 11:17pm

Congratulations!  He is absolutely beautiful. :)

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on December 6, 2011 at 11:16pm

Well it's a pleasure to meet you:) And congrats on your future Avery.. That must be exciting!

I love horses too, and have since I was able to like things xD I used to have everything horses in my room. I didn't start liking Corgis until around a year ago, but that's when I found out that they existed:) I don't own any horses, or Corgis yet, but I'm hoping to have both-and a Corgi will be joining me for sure in five months.. Maybe six. But that should be it!:) From what I can see of Avery, he looks suuuuper handsome. I'm only 18, so I probably still have a lot ahead of me before I am an "adult" xD (Yeah, right. I probably won't ever grow up, simply because I'm too awkward to be an adult!)

It'll be really exciting to get to see all the pictures you get to take of Avery:) Can't wait!

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