Carleigh and Ein's Blog (4)

New friend

Here lately we've been noticing that Ein is a little lonely. So we've been looking for another corgi friend for him, however we didn't really have too much money to put towards buying another dog so we ended up rescuing a pointer mix. Her name is Chloe and so far she's crazy about us and even Ein. Unfortunately Ein isn't too thrilled yet, I'm sure they'll grow to be best friends, they're close to the same age. :) But right now we're just having to show Ein that he won't loose a second of our… Continue

Added by Carleigh and Ein on March 5, 2009 at 9:38am — 2 Comments

Ein is officially four months old.

And he's having a pretty bad day too :(

Yesterday I discovered that the right side of his mouth was very swollen, of course I freaked out and called the vet right away. He said it's because Ein is teething and has been chewing on things more than usual which caused the swelling. He pretty much just told me to wait it out. And that is KILLING me. It's clear that Ein is uncomfortable, you can't touch his mouth at all without him getting upset, he keeps shaking his head and liking his mouth… Continue

Added by Carleigh and Ein on February 13, 2009 at 9:04am — 3 Comments

First night away from home

Last night was the first time Ein spent the night away with me. It was pretty uneventful minus the fact that he made 5 new friends, Tucker and Sally (chocolate labs), Lilly and Jake (great danes), and Bear (german shepherd). Needless to say there was lots of tail wagging, butt sniffing and poor little Ein having to avoid being stepped on my paws as big as his head lol

Overall it's been fun, though we've had a few accidents in this house since he isn't used to it. Other than that, everyone… Continue

Added by Carleigh and Ein on February 12, 2009 at 9:29am — No Comments

Ein's First Week

My boyfriend and I got Ein exactly one week ago but it feels like we've had him for so much longer already!
Ein settled in pretty well but is still getting used to us and all of the attention, our vet says he just isn't used to people having time for him because at the pet store he was only touched when necessary.
He's already had his first visit to the vet and will have to go again on the 19th for his second coronavirus shot. Neither of us are looking forward to that...

Added by Carleigh and Ein on February 11, 2009 at 7:10pm — 6 Comments

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