Michael's Blog (6)

12th Annual Southern California Corgi Picnic - Corgiaid Fundraiser

Yesterday, we took Mac to the 12th Annual Southern California Corgi Picnic. It's a chance for Corgi owners and their dogs to get together while fund raising for Corgiaid, a Corgi rescue organization.

I'm not sure how many Corgis came but there were at least a few dozen. Owners of nearly 70 Corgis sent their RSVP to attend.

It was held at Johnny Carson Park in Burbank, California, across the street from NBC studios. Though the location is a regular park as opposed to an… Continue

Added by Michael on September 7, 2008 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Visit to the Huntington Beach Dog Beach and a Meetup with the Huntington Beach Corgis Group.

Mac had a big day today. My Mom, Mac, and I went to the Huntington Beach Dog Beach. Mac splashed around in the water and made friends with several dogs, including another Corgi named Buddy. Later, we visited the Huntington Beach Dog Park to meet up with a group of other Corgi Owners. The Huntington Beach Corgis Meetup group meets every Sunday at about 10AM and later. I counted about 9 Corgis and 3-4 non-Corgis. During our stay some left and others came.

You can view pictures of the… Continue

Added by Michael on August 24, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Trying Solid Gold Seameal Nutritional Supplement

Even though Mac is very healthy, I decided to try Solid Gold Seameal, a nutritional supplement that can be added to a dog's meals.

I posted about it on one of the Corgi Health forum here.

Details on why and my thoughts can be found on my other blog: thepracticalpooch.blogspot.com.

Also, I took Mac to a different dog park the… Continue

Added by Michael on August 21, 2008 at 6:49pm — 4 Comments

Family Dogs Visit the San Dimas Dog Park

Mac and I go to the San Dimas Dog Park from time to time. We went again this morning except this time we had company. My cousin brought her dog Baxter. My other cousin and her husband are dog-sitting for the parents-in-law. They brought along Miki.

It was a first time visit to the dog park for Baxter. And it was the first time the three dogs met for the first time. They all hit it off well from start and had a lot of fun at the park.

Here's a link to the pictures from this… Continue

Added by Michael on August 16, 2008 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

First trip to the Huntington Beach Dog Park

Today, we went to the Huntington Beach Dog Park for the first time. We met other members of the Huntington Beach Corgis Meetup Group. We had a great time seeing other Pembrokes and Cardigans of various colors, sizes, and personalities. There must have been a dozen Corgis that came and went during our visit.

Below is a link to some pictures of our day. Unfortunately, the dogs' active spirit was a little too much to handle for my fun camera so I didn't get too many interesting shots.… Continue

Added by Michael on August 10, 2008 at 7:17pm — No Comments


Here's a link below to some photos I took of Mac today. I see that MyCorgi.com has a photo section as well so I'll choose my favorites to post there in the future.

Added by Michael on August 4, 2008 at 2:25am — No Comments

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