Sebastian's Blog (4)

How Smart Is a Corgi Puppy?

My 11 week old puppy Tucker I've only had for 13 days and I am really impressed with him. He knows sit, wait, down and "shake paw" command. He now understands that if he needs to relieve himself he just walks to the front door. He even picked up on that I wear the same sandals when we go outside; a few times he has carried them to me. We've been potty accident free for 4 days :) . Its great to see when your dog just connects the dots.

Added by Sebastian on July 18, 2012 at 7:11pm — 6 Comments

Potty Training Question

At what age did your dog start showing signs that he wanted to be let out for potyy or did you institute a method like a bell? So far I just been crate training and taking him outside every so often and he's been really good about going on command in the same spot, then today he did something he hasn't done --- he started to paw me and bark at me randomly...I assumed he wanted to play...then 45 secs after he pooped near his little bed (thank gawd there was a blanket on the carpet)..I said…


Added by Sebastian on July 11, 2012 at 11:57am — 6 Comments

The Cheapest Toy is the best?

Before I got my puppy Tucker I bought him a few toys:

-A foot long caterpillar from price: $16.00

-A water frisbee from PetSmart price: $6.00

-A plastic orange squeaky football price: $4.00

-A knot/rope price: $3.00

-Package of small tennis balls: $3.00

-Kong price: $10.00

-A squeaky monkey price $8.00

And do…


Added by Sebastian on July 10, 2012 at 1:02pm — 6 Comments

Am I doing enough?

I got my little guy a few days ago. I've been reading some blog post on here that have really made me feel better because this is my 1st time being a puppy owner solely. To the founder(s)/contributors of this website THANK YOU! I wanted to double check a few things with posters on here with more experience.

Here is my routine with Tucker so far:
6am - Wakes up in his crate; I greet him in the morning and then take him outside. I use the command words "Go…

Added by Sebastian on July 8, 2012 at 7:22pm — 6 Comments

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