Nelly's Blog (4)

looking to adopt

Hello my fellow corgi lovers.  Sadly enough I had to send my Rubie to doggie heaven on 12/27/12 as she got really sick and I had to make that tough decision to let her go.

I am now looking to adopt/rescue a young corgi if anyone out there living in the South Jersey area or in the Phildelphia knows of anyone who has to part with their corgi.  I will give them the best life they can imagine and also my Farina is now a sad 3 year old doggie because she has no one to keep her company…


Added by Nelly on January 7, 2013 at 12:29pm — 4 Comments

my loss

My dear corgi and animals friends.  I do have some good news and that news is that I may have saved another dog's life and his pet parent from having to go through what I went through.

The next day after I had to depart with my Yogi, I got the courage to hand out to my closest neighbor's who have dogs, flyers alerting them to what happened to me and that the house next to mine was was littered with the moth crystals.  Well word got out very quickly because where I live I know most of…


Added by Nelly on August 5, 2012 at 10:44pm — 4 Comments

my loss

Thank you everyone for prayers.  I am a true animal lover and that means all of Gods creatures.  We have a lovely back yard with a lake that was full of Canadian Geese, Mallards, bull frogs, a Goose. I mean nature was right outside my back door.  This neighbor was more concerned with her lawn than with the beauty that we can all enjoy.  Right now there are no longer any living creatures out there, not even squirrels.  It's so sad and sadder that my Yogi had to be a part of this evilness that…


Added by Nelly on August 2, 2012 at 6:41pm — 4 Comments


Hi corgi lovers.  I just wanted to post and say that my Yogi my male red corgi had to be put down 7/12/12 because my  horibile neighbor put moth crystals on her lawn to try to get the canadian geese we have in our neighborhood, and it effected my Yogi and he passed even though he was still in excellent health.  I am still in mourning and missing him dearly.  Just wanted to share this.  I love you Yogi. you were the best corgi ever. 

Added by Nelly on August 2, 2012 at 4:52pm — 22 Comments

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