Diane's Blog (2)

Irresponsible pet owners...

The title should have more aptly read "Attacked by a pit bull", but that wouldn't have been fair to the dog since it was the owner who was a complete idiot.

Just need to vent after being traumatized at our local beach the other day by a completely out of control pit bull that I had to be forcibly pulled off Chewey's neck...  Talk about scary ;-/p>

I saw that the dog was a potential problem  as soon as it came down onto the beach.  Mostly because it was very…


Added by Diane on March 2, 2014 at 2:20pm — 21 Comments

Who would shoot a corgi with a pellet or bb gun??

We had a little emergency trip to the vet last night after a wild frap session resulted in a hurt leg ;-<   Chewey was frapping through the house and out the backdoor just as someone was coming in and he bounced off the door and into some patio furniture.  I guess he must have caught his back leg along the way because he let out some blood-curdling cries for several minutes and then wouldn't put any weight on his leg...;-/p>

So, rather than second guess myself all…


Added by Diane on May 2, 2012 at 11:24pm — 8 Comments

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