Dannielle's Blog (9)

So much... Almost too much!

So much has changed and I have not been on this wonderful site in sooooo long! In November I was in a car accident everyone was okay but when I went in to the ER I found out I was pregnant ( not planned but still very happy about it) Then last week my boyfriend proposed :) So now Zero and Droopy's mommy and daddy are geting married and rather then wait and plan a huge wedding we are thinking about next month getting married in the park with just a few friends and such! So now Jason and I are… Continue

Added by Dannielle on January 3, 2009 at 8:20pm — 7 Comments

Just a dog.... SO NOT TRUE :o)

This pretty much sums it up, I know everyone here gets the looks like I do that ur nuts when u start talking to people that either dont have dogs or dont truly just feel its an animal and not part of the family...

Just a Dog

From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog," or, "that's a lot of money for just a dog." They don't understand the distance travelled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a dog." Some of my proudest moments have come… Continue

Added by Dannielle on November 18, 2008 at 2:28pm — 7 Comments


So now I know how my mom felt when it was my first day of school LoL I am soooo nervous Droopy my lab mix starts his obedience class tonight in order to help socialize him more. I know he will do really well and that I need to calm myself so he doesnt pick up on my feeling but I just cant help it LoL

Added by Dannielle on October 1, 2008 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Bad day

So today I am just bumming.... I found a really great class that would give me my dog training certification and help with job placement and everything but since it is a private class it has very limited financial aid possiblities and I just found out I dont qualify for any f them :o( So much for that I guess unless I can come up with 2850.00 o my own. O well........ On the other hand Zero is wonderful and Droopy starts his obedience class on Weds.

Added by Dannielle on September 25, 2008 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Im back finally!

So my poor comp finally kicked it so I broke down and got a new laptop, just in time thankfully LOL! I thought I was going to go crazy not being able to see pics of Zero or come on to this wonderful site!!! But I'm back now YAY! and only 4 extremely long days till my baby boy Zero comes home!

Added by Dannielle on August 18, 2008 at 8:54pm — 2 Comments

Happy B-Day to me :o)

So today I turned 24 that really isnt a big deal... Not excited or happy about it in the least except for that it means Aug. 7th is here which means the 9th is in 2 days and I finally get to visit Zero!!! Plus only 15 days till he gets to come home!! 15 days seems like forver one moment and the next it seems too close and I start to wonder if I have enough toys and such for him! LoL its all too much I just need a day off and time to sleep 2 weeks straight working no days off plus working extra… Continue

Added by Dannielle on August 7, 2008 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

Mush time!!!

So got the latest update..... My lil Zero baby is eating mush!!! I know its silly to be excited about something so slight but its just like a nice lil milestone which means he is closer to coming home. 1 month and 1 week to be exact! Very exciting times!!!!! :o)

Added by Dannielle on July 15, 2008 at 8:52pm — 1 Comment

New pics :o)

So as usual on Sunday I check my e-mail and Celeste is wonderful enough to send pics. Two new pics!! Yay I am soooo super excited I already posted them for everyone to see. I cant believe how big he is getting and his eyes are finally open :o) Just wanted to share with everyone. Only 5 weeks to go!

Added by Dannielle on July 13, 2008 at 2:44pm — 2 Comments


So today makes it one month and 11 days till little Zero gets to come home. Time is going by much faster than I ever expected which is good or I would probably go crazy by now. Plus on a happy note I figured out that I'll be able to go see Zero for the 6 week visit right around my b-day :o) He'll be 6 weeks on Aug. 3rd and I turn 24 on Aug. 7th so that cheered me up a bit. Well I guess I rambled on enough. Happy trails....

Added by Dannielle on July 11, 2008 at 8:44pm — 3 Comments

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