Kim's Blog (7)

Last Day of Fly Ball

BEEZE-NUTS! Today was our last day of Fly Ball training for the summer due to me picking up a Sunday shift at the museum. It wasn't our BEST day but I still managed to capture some video clips to share with MY CORGI . COM! hahaha...Fly ball is FUN.COM!

Ok I am - with

Fly ball did strap our relationship to a tighter fitting.

I love having that obligated time with my shortie and her non exsistant knees.

Nothing can break our bond! Or maybe me… Continue

Added by Kim on June 16, 2008 at 4:01am — 2 Comments

First Day of Fly Ball Class

Kenzie and I started our first Fly Ball class today!

Lucky for US, we were the only ones there! Hahaha..

Something about people being in California?

I really think I picked the jack pot for her out of dog sports in regards to her personality.

She climbed on the Fly Ball Box like it was a jungle gym and wagged her tail when it clicked.

I thought she might be scared of the strange object or at least the noise. Nope.

She already knows how to jump… Continue

Added by Kim on April 27, 2008 at 7:20pm — 2 Comments

We graduated! I have seen a LOT of improvement mold from start to finish! Mackenzie does listen to most commands...but unfortunately, still barks at me the whole time. I am starting to just reward …

We graduated!

I have seen a LOT of improvement mold from start to finish!

Mackenzie does listen to most commands...but unfortunately, still barks at me the whole time.

I am starting to just reward her with random treats when she is sitting and making no noise randomly.

IT SEEMS to be working. Trying to show her it pays to be quiet.

I think we could pass the k9 good citizenship test, if we didn't have the barking issue.

The trainer is even amazed… Continue

Added by Kim on April 23, 2008 at 2:42pm — 2 Comments

Class 1 & 2

We've had two of our Obedience/Canine Citizen classes thus far.

Yay = we didn't eat faces off and were perfect in the + dogs environment

Boo = We are SO happy there that we can't stop barking!


The only thing I can do to get her to stop is cover her eyes. If she can't see it, she pretty much bails on the vocals.

Any other suggestions?

The trainer said maybe give her a gaggle here and there, but… Continue

Added by Kim on March 12, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments

And We're IN!

It’s official!

We signed up for the Prereq Obedience/Good Canine Citizenship class.

This means we are that much closer to fly ball.

We will have some friends in the class with us that are quite as ill mannered as we can be, so our embarrassment level will be low.

Friends joining us?

Mattie = sheltie/border collie mix (WIRED!)

Murphy = australia Shep (Anxiety attacks!)

Rico = chihuahua (Attitude!)

And… Continue

Added by Kim on February 20, 2008 at 4:45pm — 1 Comment

Jumping On In

Kenzie and I got a response from the Fly Ball Trainer!

She told us she teaches Fly Ball courses 9 dollars a session every Sunday.

It's at a great facility near us. I went through the website and was impressed.

Started scanning the course list.

I noticed the facility also hosts a Canine Good Citizen Class.

This course would prepare the dog to take the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen test. They will be working on the ten items that they will be tested on;…


Added by Kim on February 7, 2008 at 9:51pm — 3 Comments

Sprinkler ATTACK Video!

Mackenzie aka "Doon" discovers a great way to rinse her chops

Added by Kim on February 3, 2008 at 10:48pm — 1 Comment

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