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Comment by Peggy Woods on March 23, 2011 at 10:14am

well, at least we're all shedding tears in good company.

pass me a tissue, please. make that several.

Thank you so much for sharing this Karen!

Comment by Nicola Porter on March 23, 2011 at 9:03am
Number 10 is hard but I never had the thought to let Max go by himself. The whole family was there as I felt his last breath as I was stroking him.
Comment by Beth DeGrave on March 23, 2011 at 7:37am
I absolutely love this. I had to copy and print to have on my cubicle wall.
Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on March 23, 2011 at 5:36am

My father-in-law just sent these same commandments to me this morning!  I wish every owner that ever chained a dog in their back yard had to have these tattooed to their foreheads.  Too much?


Comment by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on March 23, 2011 at 2:20am
Ok! I've just decided that this crap! #10 should really be #1 so you can just get it over with, and #10 should be something really really funny. Make it happen!
Comment by Alexsandra Papoban on March 23, 2011 at 2:17am
this is so touching. Number 10 is making me cry!!!
Comment by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on March 23, 2011 at 1:32am
All I can think about now is how I held my Tally girl as she drifted off to sleep for the very last time. She was so soft and did more for me than any other dog I've owned. It will be exactly a year ago tomorrow that she passed, but it still hurts like it was yesterday. I will have to hug Ein a little tighter tonight. #RIP my sweet Tally girl. I miss you.
Comment by Don on March 23, 2011 at 12:24am

I've seen this dozens of times before as well. I can't say that I've willingly broke rule 10 unless as with the Guinea Pig I wasn't home at the time due to work.

Something to add on as a thought though.

You can mesure your wealth in many ways, some do it in money, belongings or status in life. Some can afford to buy the items they need in life, you can buy your clothes, your house and your car. The one thing that you can not buy that your dog offers is unconditional love, unconditionaly loyalty and trust.

Comment by Heather and Ella on March 22, 2011 at 11:49pm
Very touching, I've given Ella an extra hug tonight.
Comment by Solomon & Naomi's Page on March 22, 2011 at 9:49pm
Amy, I was reading that to my husband and when I read that one I busted out in sobbs because I could not believe that I broke it.  I guess I was feeling bad because she never asked for anything but love.  I promise to never break #10 again, ever.  I went to that web site and the story right below that one will make you cry too.  Good heavens, I need to go to "Corgis caught in the act of committing a crime" and have a few laughs and stops all this crying!!!

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