Pembrokes Have Docked Tails: Get Over It/Get Educated!

The other day I came across an owner with her tri color fluffy on the street. I was so excited to see another fluff in public that I blurted out, "I love your fluffy!!!" to which she replied, "You know what he is!", as I nodded enthusiastically.

She ended up enjoying lunch at the some outdoor patio as me, so I stopped to chat after I had eaten. Her fluff's name was Dozer, he was quite a big boy and absolutely charming!

But when I described Griff having an 'undocked' tail, she said, "Oh no he [Dozer] isn't docked, he was born this way." I stared at his nub -the obvious remains of a once-full tail- and opened my mouth to say something to the contrary, but decided to not sound like a smart-ass and stopped.

I am truly shocked by how many people are unaware of the AKC's current docking standards!!! Heck, even I didn't know until Griffy! I'm so puzzled by this because other countries have imposed docking bans, so it's not like undocked show Corgis are nonexistent.

When will the other Kennel Clubs catch up? Docking is pointless for pet Corgis that don't act as working dogs. We need to educate our fellow Pem lovers!!!

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Comment by Vicki Peters on May 27, 2008 at 4:56pm
I currently live in Jeff City MO. I am not a breeder. The puppies I referred to were 2 litters we let Brandy and Lillie have. Brandy is no longer with us. I do have however Lilly and Dottie (mom & daughter). I no longer have the puppies but I am considering letting the girls have another litter. It's alot of work. I did not dock the puppies tails or removed their dew claws and I never will. Dogs were sold with tails, they were wormed (by me) and the other stuff will have to be taken care of by the buyer should I do it again. I do however give my dogs their vaccinations, etc. and the would be Father lives with a friend of mine in southern MO.
Comment by JW on May 27, 2008 at 4:31pm
Thanks for your comments, I appreciate them all :)

Charlie: Thanks for your input about maintaining the Pem's docking standard. I'm curious as to how a docking ban would cause the extinction of entire breeds? Is this a hidden agenda of animal rights groups, to destroy the animals they're working to "save"? Furthermore, wouldn't there still be people who would love a Boxer or Rott or Doberman with a full tail? (Even despite the obvious weapon a big dog's tail becomes when excited!! hehe) I feel that a docking ban could be implemented and people who love certain breeds would remain true to that breed. But of course, that is just my opinion and I am in no way a breed expert or educated breeder! :)

I am not opposed to docking in general. I simply see the beauty of Griff's tail and realize that other people would probably love a tailed Pembroke, too. The "gay" tail always makes me giggle, as Griff only breaks that out if he's really showing off or playing tough guy. I love it when he acts that way! Otherwise said tail sits more like a Cardi's. I am lucky that he has no "dirty butt" issues, as Dodger does, Patric!

Vicki: Where do you live? I'm always keeping an eye open for breeders who will option to keep a Pem's tail.

Thanks again everyone! Charlie, you're full of useful information for sure!
Comment by Vicki Peters on May 27, 2008 at 4:23pm
A very good web site concerning tail docking is The Animal Legal and Historical Center -
Comment by Charlie on May 27, 2008 at 3:56pm
The proper tail carriage for Cardigans is a low tailset carried close to the hock. They may carry it straight out back when running, but it cannot rise above the horizontal back line. A "gay tail" (high carriage) or a curled tail is a serious fault for Cardigans. A correct carriage would minimize injuries while herding. Pembrokes were bred from a mix of Cardigan Corgis and a Scandinavian Spitz breed (which has a high-set curly fluffy tail). The natural Pembroke tail carriage would be more likely to cause injuries around livestock.
Comment by Patric Westmarc on May 27, 2008 at 3:47pm
I would hate to imagine Dodger with a tail, considering his constant "dirty butt" issues.
Comment by Niki on May 27, 2008 at 3:39pm
Well I am confused now..why do Cardigan Corgis have their tails then? Arent they herding dogs as well? If someone can fill me in, I would appreciate it.
Comment by Charlie on May 27, 2008 at 3:31pm
A large number of Corgis are still used as active working dogs on farms and ranches. Many more "city dogs" are entered into AKC Herding Trials as a sport to give the dog something fun to do and showcase the dogs innate talent for herding.

Tails are docked (humanely at 3 days) in many AKC purebreeds to either prevent injuries, make the dog more efficient at its intended "job", or for good hygiene. At 3 days, a breeder does not know what the dog will be doing during its life. Good breeders will follow the standard and code of ethics and dock the tails.

Anti-docking laws are very likely to cause the extinction of entire breeds. This plays right into the agenda of the animal rights groups...first getting rid of breeders' rights, then existinguish all dog breeding, and then all dogs. 33% of AKC recognized purebreeds have docked tails as a standard. It's not done just for looks, or for fun.

Dog lovers seriously do need to get educated at what's going on with current animal legislation. I'd rather have a Corgi with no tail, than have no Corgi at all.
Comment by Niki on May 27, 2008 at 2:37pm
I adopted Kirby and his tail was already docked, but if I had another one, I would care whether it was docked or not. I would rather not put my baby through any pain!
Comment by Vicki Peters on May 27, 2008 at 2:32pm
Both of my corgi's have their tails and so did our 13 corgi puppies we had at one time. Tail docking was started as a way to avoid the "tail tax". If a dog was a working dog (corgi's are herding dogs) the tail was docked and the owner was not taxed for the value of the dog, if the dog was a companion (luxury in the tax man's eyes) the tail was left on and the value of the dog taxes. This is a sore subject with alot of corgi owners however, an amputation is a severance of the tail with a surgial scissor or scalpet. We don't pay tail tax's anymore.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 27, 2008 at 1:57pm
Hi JW! Griff is beautiful. Sid is my rebel Pem with a tail. We love him lots, even if he is a rebel (hee hee)!

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