My wife and I have a very cute 6 month old female pembroke named Leena.  She is very energetic and playful (sometimes TOO playful for her playmate Parker - a 6 year old golden retriever). She is also a pretty healthy weight (about 19 or 20 lbs already) .However, she is very picky about her food.  Some days she will only eat one meal (1.5 cups of her food.  The bag reccommends about 3.5 - 4 a day).  She did just get over a parasite and severe dehydration (we are glad we did not take the vet's advice and instead took her to a 24hr pet hopital.  It probably saved her life).  Anyone have any tips on getting her to actually "enjoy" her food?

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Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on July 20, 2011 at 6:20pm
I think that puppies might need more food for their development but since she was one, Twinkie only gets a total of one cup of kibble a day (1/2 cup morning/1/2 cup evening).  We have been able to maintain a healthy weight and sneak in a few treats here and there.  Good luck!
Comment by Kimberlie on July 20, 2011 at 5:25pm

I would have to agree most kibble recommend way to much food ( at least for every pet I’ve owned) and i guess is they just want you to use more so they make more. But every dog is different to. My girl at 22 lb eats 1 cup in a day, my male at 26lb eats 2 cups. Both are slim and of healthy shape (vet approved as well) and same age and litter even though my male eats twice as much. If adora even so much as get 1.5 cup extra she starts gaining and gaining. Rhun on the other hand was able to handle 1.5 cups and kept the same figure, then i raised it again and he was still good. But when he went to 2.5 he stated gaining. Thats how I know each of my dogs are getting the perfect about. Sometimes i may give them a little extra in the evening if they had a very active day (over there normal exercise for a day). So i would not worry if your girl is only eating 1.5 cups, unless she starts loosing weight.

Comment by Sam Tsang on July 20, 2011 at 2:54pm

Hi Bradly, everything you need to know about food is in the faq. Corgis don't fill out until the age of 2, she is still growing and should eat twice a day. After you read the faq and decide to switch to a new food, make sure you switch it gradually over a week's time. Food is a religion, don't be brand loyal, people / management / company / formula change all the time, do the best you can and don't let anyone guilt you.


On a side note, what exactly was your vet's advise? Did he dispense that after a face to face evaluation? What did the other vet at the hospital do differently?

Comment by Bradly and Jenny Boesen on July 20, 2011 at 1:14pm
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions.  Leena is recovering from giardia, and I will hopefully be switching her to better food soon.  I just want her to grow up a healthy and happy dog.
Comment by Jane on July 20, 2011 at 1:00pm

Sorry I must have posted right after you. If you can afford it I would definitely change her food to something that isn't corn based. There are plenty of good foods out there,  Blue Buffalo, Wellness, Taste of the Wild all seem to be popular here, I personally feed Fromms and have been very happy with it.


I would suggest looking at these sites, but keep in mind these reviews aren't being written by canine nutritionists. I think it still gives a pretty good idea of what a good quality food is.

Comment by Jane on July 20, 2011 at 12:49pm
What kind of food is she eating? 1.5 cups is probably a fine amount for her to eat a day, don't go by what the bag says. You can try softening the food with a little warm water and see if that gets her a little more motivated to eat. As long as she isn't looking too scrawny I wouldn't worry if she skips a meal here and there.
Comment by Bradly and Jenny Boesen on July 20, 2011 at 12:49pm
I just feed puppy chow.  She has a lot of loose skin (which I read is not a bad thing because skin in dogs is not connected to muscle like in humans).  I suppose all is probably fine, since she is of a healthy weight.  I might try the Blue Buffalo, which I have seen at Petsmart stores.  She is such a sweet little girl, and I just wanna give her enough nutririon.
Comment by Kari & Quin on July 20, 2011 at 12:43pm
Don't go by what the bag says, they are trying to sell dog food:) depending on the brand of food you are feeding if it is a high quality food I would say you are just feeding her way to much at 1 1/2 years I feed my 21 pound girl 1 cup a day 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night. I feed her Blue Buffalo or the salmon sweet potato Natures Domain from Costco. The higher Quality foods do cost more but you feed them less and it is better for them:)

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