I haven't told my family about our puppy, Ein. 


How do you tell your family that you are spending a bunch of money on a puppy, and avoid the condescending responses? I know we have made the right choice, regardless of other's opinions and wishes. We have been planning for this for over a year, now. It probably would be easier if they knew that haha but we thought we'd be getting a puppy in March and our little Ein came sooner than expected. And I am going to tell them, there are no worries there. I just wonder the best way to do it? 

Les thinks we should show up at their house with the puppy for Christmas. I feel like that's rude... everyone should know when they have a puppy coming to visit. Right? 

I want to do it in person, because I want to see their faces! :) But they live far from me, and I'll likely have to do it over the phone. 


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Comment by Carry Mackenzie on December 4, 2011 at 7:09pm

I have a fluffy male too- We are taking a pen with us when we visit he will be about 12 weeks by then but my boy friends family love dogs so that makes it easy  Good Luck & have a nice Christmas

Comment by Anna Morelli on December 4, 2011 at 7:08pm

I would not just  show up with a puppy, even if it is your  parent's house, I would ask if it's OK to bring him.  No one needs to know how much your dog cost you, unless they are looking to buy a similar one.  With family it can be tricky, so I'd just laugh it off and say something like " He's a present, so I can't say" or, "That's between me and Santa" and stick to my guns.  It's nobody's business unless you owe them money you have not paid!!!! Happy Holidays.

Comment by Stacy M on December 4, 2011 at 6:29pm

Thanks, I think he's pretty cute, too! And he makes us soooo happy just even thinking about him! 

It's great to hear that other people feel their families would have the same reaction. My parents are the ones who say "why do people PAY for animals? It used to be that there were FREE ones outside the stores every summer, and you couldn't go a whole summer without someone trying to give you a puppy." 


Comment by Donna and Lilly on December 4, 2011 at 6:29pm

OMG!!! He is SO CUTE!!!!!  And you know what, I spent almost a thousand dollars on my mastiff years ago, and I just said, I always wanted one, and it really was my money.  And look at that face!!!!  Congrats!!!!

Comment by Beth on December 4, 2011 at 6:21pm

By the way, Ein is adorable and I'll bet he's a stunner when he grows up.  Looks like he's going to have a very typey head to me.  

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on December 4, 2011 at 6:21pm

By the way, he's beautiful, and I am EXCEPTIONALLY jealous lmao

Comment by Laura Jones on December 4, 2011 at 6:21pm

My parents don't know how much I paid for either one of my corgis, and I don't consider it any of their business.  The money spent on them was "extra" not money taken away from paying bills, or groceries etc.  Personally I don't see how anyone can look at that face and not fall in love!  He is ADORABLE!  My mom tries really hard to pretend she doesn't like the dogs, she has never been mean to them or anything, but when she thinks no one is paying attention she is giving them treats or baby talking to them and rubbing their bellies so I wouldn't worry too much.  Although a heads up about a puppy in the house particulary during a busy time like Christmas would probably be a great idea.  And it would be good socialization for you puppy.  I would definately make sure you have a crate for him so he has his own place though with all those strangers. 

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on December 4, 2011 at 6:20pm

Well, I really doubt that it will matter that much.. 

I mean, it's your money, and you wanted one. If anything they should be happy that you are at a point of stability in your life. Enough so, that you bought a puppy. 

I would DEFFO not show up with a puppy without asking or informing. That can be stressful, and not always in a good way.. I LOVE animals, of all kinds, and wouldn't care if someone showed up with their pets, but that is not always the case, and I wouldn't ever do that to someone out of consideration, just in case something happens.

Comment by Beth on December 4, 2011 at 6:20pm

I would say "Guess what, we are getting a puppy!" and send cute pictures.  I wouldn't mention the price.  I told my parents because they got their last dog from a top breeder and know what it costs, but I have told almost no one else what we spent because frankly most of the people I know would keel over.   I might make a vague "Oh, he cost quite a lot but Corgis are hard to find" comment if people directly ask.  The only time I mention price is if someone is puppy-shopping and wants to know as a point of comparison. . 

Honestly the tougher reaction to deal with was when we got Maddie.  She was free (we made a donation to rescue at the request of her breeder) as a retired show dog/ breeding bitch and SO many people reacted with some version of "What, they didn't want her anymore so they just gave her away? How awful!"   I was truly not expecting that reaction, but there you go. 

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on December 4, 2011 at 6:13pm
I told my family I was getting a pup by emailing a picture of him. I personally don't think how much you are paying for him is anybody's business. My dad and brother still have no idea how much I paid for Franklin. I did tell my mom though. They just don't understand how much a quality dog costs since we have never had a purebred

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