I haven't told my family about our puppy, Ein. 


How do you tell your family that you are spending a bunch of money on a puppy, and avoid the condescending responses? I know we have made the right choice, regardless of other's opinions and wishes. We have been planning for this for over a year, now. It probably would be easier if they knew that haha but we thought we'd be getting a puppy in March and our little Ein came sooner than expected. And I am going to tell them, there are no worries there. I just wonder the best way to do it? 

Les thinks we should show up at their house with the puppy for Christmas. I feel like that's rude... everyone should know when they have a puppy coming to visit. Right? 

I want to do it in person, because I want to see their faces! :) But they live far from me, and I'll likely have to do it over the phone. 


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Comment by Stacy M on December 4, 2011 at 6:08pm

They could have a completely different reaction than what I am expecting. For all I know they'll be excited! Maybe I should just call my mom up and drop the bomb on her. ^_^

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