Its been a long time since I've posted anything regarding Blaze. Sadly, we decided to give him back to his breeder. We had him for eight weeks, and it just seemed like no matter what we did, he continued his aggressive tendencies towards the children. As I mentioned previously, he was the alpha dog in his litter. I wish now that we had observed him with his litter prior to getting him, but that wasn't possible since there were only three pups and one was taken before we got there.

It was a very hard decision for me. I cried for days, and I still feel guilty, somehow... like I failed him by not trying hard enough to acclimate him to our family? The people that know us and saw how Blaze was, all tell me that it was the right decision to give him back to his breeder so she can either keep him for herself on the farm or find him a more suitable home.

For what its worth-- he had a GREAT eight weeks with us. He got wonderful food, a nice place to live, tons of attention, awesome toys... and we LOVED him. But it came down to my daughter telling me at bedtime one night, "Mom, I love Blaze, but I don't like him." What do you tell your eight year old daughter after you hear that? We just couldn't get a handle on his biting and lunging at us after discipline (I tried EVERYTHING).

I will still be on this webpage in the future-- I love all of your pictures and your comments and threads. This experience has left us very sad and demoralized. We aren't going to attempt to have another puppy for at least a year, maybe more... so we can REALLY look around for a good, (maybe more accomplished??) breeder that can help us find the dog with the RIGHT temperament for us. :-( I'm still, for lack of a better word, bummed. We miss him so much.

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Comment by Cindi on July 14, 2008 at 10:59am
I'm so sorry you had to take Blaze back. It's a difficult decision. I do hope though that you'll consider another corgi from a reputable breeder who understands the temperament of their pups and places them with respect to a family's needs. As Sam has said, you can consider rescue. All of ours are rescues. And the rescue organizations we went through were very thorough in their desire to place the right dog with the right family. Our prayers are with you.
Comment by Sam on July 14, 2008 at 9:49am
Pat yourself on the back for making a good solid decision. Sadly good matches dont seem to be of importance to those that breed for the sake of breeding. I would never recommend someone that raises their pup outside of the home. They have little to no social contact with people which makes the buyers job much more difficult. My experience also tells me that dogs bred with the goal of being "working farm" dogs usually have a sharper disposition which is needed to do the work on the farm. Not always a good choice for a companion home.
May I suggest that you also consider corgi rescue. I know in our organization we learn as much about the adopting families as possible before placing a dog in their home. If children are involved we only place dogs that have come from homes with children or ones that have proven "child friendly" in a foster home with children. You will find that good rescue organizations probably spend more time trying to find just the right match then many breeders you will come upon. I am sure there is a good rescue group in your area.
Comment by wendulik on July 14, 2008 at 9:27am
It's very sad, but I totally understand. My first corgi (4 months old now) is also very dominant and I can't imagine him living in one family with small child, though he's not really agressive. He's nipping our hands and playing with us quite roughly. Our adult hands can stand that, but the small soft hands of children? No way.
It seems that you've done the best you could. Hopefully you'll find the right dog for your family soon.

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