I have the sad task of finding a home for 2 Corgis belonging to a dear friend.  I have a couple good leads thanks to the Lincoln (NE) Corgi Group.  It is a daunting task trying to make sure I do the right thing by them. I have no experience re homing pets so any experience any of you can share would be much appreciated.  I have lined up a good home for my baby should something happen to me, but Sandy hasn't...and she won't be coming home from the hospital this time.  Her daughter asked for my help. They are basically good dogs, BUT I'm having trouble striking a balance between sharing so many negatives that I could scare people off and making sure they have a pretty good idea what problems they might encounter.  I want them to get a good forever home with someone who is willing to do a little work as they have not had much training or socialization.

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Comment by Anna Morelli on May 13, 2015 at 3:01pm

Dogs like you describe may be difficult for a first time owner.  Like Jane, I did a lot of Rescue. If a person had dogs before, I always asked for a Veterinary reference and asked the person to authorize the release of information from the Vet.  That can tell you if they gave regular care to their animals, if they kept them into old age, if they had a high turnover, etc. 

I also trust the dog.  That means the dog has to make that "connection" with the person.  It usually goes both ways.

I wouldn't worry about minor stuff, but major behavioral issues should be disclosed ( dislikes children, has separation anxiety, is not housebroken, is an escape artist, whatever you see as a major issue ) and, if there ever was a case where the dog bit a human and you knowingly do not disclose it, you would be liable should the dog bite again.

Best wishes on finding good homes and bless you for your big heart. 

Comment by Judith Andre on May 13, 2015 at 12:40pm

Thanks Jane, I would appreciate that.  My email is judithandre@hotmail.com.

Comment by Jane Christensen on May 13, 2015 at 12:18pm

I also am emailing someone in IA who may have some "connections".

Comment by Jane Christensen on May 13, 2015 at 10:18am

I could email you my rehoming application....you could start there. I will message you. I have  rehomed several corgis and also done recue.

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