Why I Don't Agree With The Dog Whisperer

This article pretty much sums it up for me in a nutshell.

I am very much against force training and it seems like it is becoming popular lately what with the popularity of Cesar and other shows showing similar techniques. People would rather use force, fear, or aversive techniques rather than understand how the dog behaves, thinks and communicates. Everyone wants a quick fix, not a technique that takes weeks of consistant work to see improvement.

I do agree with some of the things he says I just don't agree with most of the techniques he uses to fix issues.

I like that he calls owners out on their own BS. People get dogs they have no business caring for and they think they are doing them good when they are not. They are lazy and don't want to physically or mentally exercise their dog but then get a breed like a border collie that requires a very high amount of exercise in both ways.

Many of the dogs on his show need significant amounts of behavioral therapy and training. It saddens me that these dogs are forced into a training program that can make them worse but the owners think they see an improvement in behavior because the dog is too tired to do anything else.

If people want to watch a show that shows positive reinforcement techniques that work they should watch It's Me or the Dog. Victoria Stillwell understands dog behavior and can read body language. Her show gives me hope that more owners will see what positive reinforcement can do for your pet and use that technique rather than force.

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Comment by Mariana on November 5, 2008 at 2:03pm
Um, okay. No need to be rude. I was just offering my own advice. Everyone swears by different methods and different books and different advice, etc. etc. I still recommend "Merle's Door." Merle (the dog) is a beautiful character with a carefree way of life that I wish I could share with my dog. And I mean no offense by the recommendation.
Comment by MagnoliaFly on November 5, 2008 at 12:43pm
Thanks I just friended her! I think we've read a lot of the same studies that show dominance theory is not sound science.
Comment by Kitty's Corner on November 5, 2008 at 12:36pm
Ask Aloha~ she has alot to say about this.
Comment by Nicola Porter on November 5, 2008 at 11:37am
I am at my wit's end with my rescue mix Rex. He is a lovable fella but hates anyone coming into the house, we have to put him up. Can anyone give me any tips to get him to relax/trust other people.
Comment by MagnoliaFly on November 5, 2008 at 11:31am
I don't think there is a happy medium between using force and using positive reinforcement methods. It sends mixed signals to your dog and can confuse them. They might think, "oh am I gonna get a treat this time or is my human going to roll me on my back and glare in my face."

I think I'll skip a book written by a guy that uses a shock collar on his dog. Thanks anyway.
Comment by Mariana on November 5, 2008 at 11:21am
I like to think there's a happy middle between one extreme and the other. I just wrote a ridiculously long post in the forum about this. haha. For those who don't have cable or t.v. at all (like me) I would also recommend reading "Merle's Door" by Ted Kerasote. It gives a lot of insight into a dog's freethinking mind. It's also a beautiful story. I'm listening to it on audio tape, and it's quite long, but worth the experience.

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