MagnoliaFly's Blog (13)

The Fun of Finding a Good Performance Dog Breeder

I've always loved both corgi breeds and when I originally set out to get my first corgi it was suggested I get a Cardigan as they are typically more laid-back. I wanted to go full-throttle so I got a Pembroke. Bernie was quite an adventure for a first-time dog owner. She still keeps me on my toes thinking ahead and taught me a lot as a dog trainer.

My second corgi came from the same breeder and we got a gorgeous male tri-color. He is laid-back but loves to play. He makes the perfect… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on April 9, 2010 at 10:56am — 5 Comments

Bernie and The Evil Yoga Ball

Bernie refused to go into the living room as long as the yoga ball was in there today, from what Ringo told me. So I just spent 20 minutes shaping her to touch and push the yoga ball around.

She was good until it rolled into the kitchen and started making this weird sucking noise rolling around on the floor. I moved it off and we got back to work. Here is our progress:…


Added by MagnoliaFly on March 2, 2009 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Free Puppy Care Books - Dr. Ian Dunbar

AFTER You Get Your Puppy.pdf - Lots of people get their puppy and then haven't a clue what to do afterwards. I love this book, it gives you solid goals and things to watch out for with your puppy in candid terms. I send it to all of my puppy kindergarten students.

There is also the book BEFORE You Get Your… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on February 17, 2009 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Why I Don't Agree With The Dog Whisperer

This article pretty much sums it up for me in a nutshell.

I am very much against force training and it seems like it is becoming popular lately what with the popularity of Cesar and other shows showing similar techniques. People would rather use force, fear, or aversive techniques rather than understand how the dog behaves, thinks and communicates. Everyone wants a quick fix, not a technique that takes weeks of… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on November 5, 2008 at 11:09am — 48 Comments

Bernie Grows Wings - Agility Class

Well last night I think I got a taste of what it is like running with a border collie. If I ever mention the want to get a border collie someone please refer me to this post unless I'm in incredible shape and can run 10 miles without losing my breath.

Bernie was WIRED last night. We did the standard course first and it was pretty winding - she decided I wasn't giving instructions fast enough and started taking obstacles on her own or popping behind one of the tunnels to eat acorns.… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on October 29, 2008 at 11:29am — 2 Comments

Agility & Bernie Eats The Remote

Last night we ran both the jumpers and the standard courses. Normally we don't have enough time to do both but I guess my class is getting advanced enough that running full courses gives us more time.

Bernie did ok on the jumpers. She ran off a few times on me and got really sniffy in this one spot. I had to do all sorts of things to gain her attention again. At one point I was jumping up and down to get her to look at me and it worked. Maren laughed and said that was really good… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on October 22, 2008 at 10:15am — 1 Comment

Another Awesome Agility Night

Bernie was excited to go to class the entire time I was packing my bag. She was excited the entire car ride there.

I don't know what I'm doing different or what is different about her but it is fantastic. She has speed, confidence, and is really paying attention to my handling signals. I ran my butt off tonight and broke in my cleats keeping up with her. We did a full standard course of 20 obstacles and a short 10 obstacle jumpers course with some distance work. Bernie was a little… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on October 7, 2008 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Cute Corgi Meet Photo

These two little girls were in heaven Saturday. You'd have thought they wandered into a place equivalent to Miley Cyrus' sold out Hannah Montana show the way they were acting.

Notice Bernie is the one trying to face meld with the girls. I had to double check the photo to make sure that was her and it was. I think this is so cute.

Added by MagnoliaFly on October 6, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

The Games Doggies Play

I am feeling better today.

I thought I'd write about the games Bernie and Basil like to play in the house. They play a few different games and I've found it interesting to watch them and study their body language.

The most popular game is ring around the recliners (tag). Bernie is always "it". Basil likes to run in circles around the two recliners in the middle of the living room and wait for Bernie to "come get him". Bernie is smart and will cut him off any chance she can… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on October 3, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

Awesome Agility School Night

We did a standard course with 21 obstacles. There were not too many changes of direction so that was nice. The first dog up did it perfectly. She would probably have placed at a trial and definitely gotten a Q.

After another dog went it was our turn. Bernie did the opening great - it even involved a teeter which she was scared of doing last week. We finished the course all at once - I stopped about twice to treat her for extra good turns and such. She wasn't too happy with the rear… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on October 1, 2008 at 10:45am — 5 Comments

Agility & Learning to Think Like a Dog

Well after getting over my migraine and waking up Tuesday morning to find a sick Basil and a mess all over the place - I took the day off to recoup.

After a nap and keeping an eye on Basil throughout the day I felt good enough to go to agility that evening. A new 8 week course was beginning and it has been 2-3 months since Bernie and I have done anything.

There were a few new dogs in my class and a few old friends. An aussie in the class was particularly enamored with… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on September 17, 2008 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Photos from Corgi Meet

Here are some of my favorites from yesterdays corgi meet:


Bernie greets the new member - Banzai


Then she rolls in the gravel…


Added by MagnoliaFly on September 7, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Come see my LiveJournal Blog

I blog almost daily at LiveJournal (mostly about dog-related things) so come read my stuff over there!

MagnoliaFly @ LiveJournal

Added by MagnoliaFly on September 3, 2008 at 2:09pm — No Comments

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