Bernie refused to go into the living room as long as the yoga ball was in there today, from what Ringo told me. So I just spent 20 minutes shaping her to touch and push the yoga ball around.

She was good until it rolled into the kitchen and started making this weird sucking noise rolling around on the floor. I moved it off and we got back to work. Here is our progress:

Bernie Braves Yoga Ball

Bernie Braves the Yoga Ball

Bernie Braves New Yoga Ball

I've put it out of reach now but it looks like the Yoga Ball is no longer the arch nemesis of Bernie.

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Comment by Sam on March 3, 2009 at 10:51am
LOL, Ein goes nuts with a yoga ball. He dashes crazy at it and jumps into it and starts trying to pop it by biting it. We made the mistake of one time throwing it and he still ran at it and hit it up into the air into something else lol. Thankfully nothign was broken.

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