I am feeling better today.

I thought I'd write about the games Bernie and Basil like to play in the house. They play a few different games and I've found it interesting to watch them and study their body language.

The most popular game is ring around the recliners (tag). Bernie is always "it". Basil likes to run in circles around the two recliners in the middle of the living room and wait for Bernie to "come get him". Bernie is smart and will cut him off any chance she can get. If Bernie is not paying attention to Basil he will ambush her and entice her to come get him again. Bernie barks the entire time she plays this game and Basil hardly ever makes a sound unless Bernie stops paying attention.

The second game is Frap Train. Basil will hold on to Bernie's neck skin with his teeth while they frap back and forth downstairs. (Frap = Frantic Random Acts of Play). This usually starts with Basil frapping uncontrollably until Bernie gets excited and then he holds onto her for dear life while they try to frap back and forth without knocking into stuff. This usually culminates into the next game:

Ultimate Mouth Wrestling - MMA style. This can be done on the floor, the sofa, the loveseat, my lap, or the back of the car. Basil makes a pitiful sound like a growl and engages Bernie in mouth wrestling. He will often climb all over her during this since she likes to lay on the floor while they do it.

I keep meaning to get videos but the camera is always elsewhere when most of this occurs.

We're supposed to have somewhere from 25-32 corgis at the meetup on Saturday. Yes I will get pictures of the massive amounts of cute that will be there. Apparently there is also a pug meetup tomorrow so you may see random pugs in the photos too.

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