Deion is a handsome tri boy that aged very well. At 13 he looked as dapper as he has all of his life. His coat shown with a grand sheen in the sun and his eyes sparkled continuiously. He is a grand boy, loves everyone he meets, is good with children and other dogs. He was a mild mannered fellow that could go anywhere and know how to charm everyone.
Just over a year ago I noticed a minute difference in his way of traveling. I continued to watch but had an inkling that perhaps DM was the cause. After some research and contacting his breeder I knew this was the likely cause. I quickly joined the "wheelcorgis" group so I could learn what the progression was to be like and how to take care of my degenerating pal. I met some grand folks there who were most helpful in letting me know what to expect as well as how to best deal with it. I will be forever thankful to these kind folks that happily shared their hard earned knowledge with me.
Deion progressed quite rapidly in comparison to many. I suspect it was due to his advanced age at onset. It took me near 5 months to get him accustomed to the cart that I had obtained. When he learned how to use it I rejoiced at his ability to have some mobility once again. We both celebrated as he once again ran with the others and felt part of the pack.
As the months wore on I had to try to make adaptations to the cart for more support and feel thankful that I had tiled floors. He slowly lost control of his bladder and frequently his bowls. I began carrying him more frequently to the places he wanted to be.
Tuesday he had the look in his that is unmistakable that let me know he is tired of fighting the battle. He still smiled while in the cart and relished every meal and treat he received. Yet he was so tired after the cart that he rarely would move for the rest of the night. I noticed he seemed unable to get to 1 of the 3 water dishes available. Yes, Deion told me that it was time to cross the bridge and be whole once again. I listened to his request.
Wednesday evening surrounded by my dear vet and super vet tech we said good bye. I held him in my arms and told him what a good pal he had been, how beautiful he was and how much I loved him. We all cried as his heart beat for the last time. He was finally at peace. Over the bridge he was able to run once again.
God Speed dear Deion. You were a fine companion, a gentleman and a trooper to the very end. I will miss you my tri prince but know you will be waiting for me across the bridge.
Hug your corgis everyone, cherish each moment you have. They are never with us long enough but always leave a paw print on our hearts.

Sam who has a candle lit in memory of a dear pal

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Comment by Debbie Landrie on February 26, 2009 at 11:39pm
I am so sorry!! I have tears running down my cheeks as I write this. I have a friend that has just discovered her older corgi has DM. Hugs to you.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on February 26, 2009 at 11:19pm
So sorry to hear of your loss. You were a dedicated owner that gave him much quality in his life. He appreciates you for it. Your in my thoughts and prayers and hope you find brighter days ahead.
Comment by Marion and Vern on February 26, 2009 at 10:41pm
I am so sorry for your loss. Even as I write this the tears are falling. Our beloved Tedi crossed over 12/29/08 and it was the same, we had to do what was best for him after 12 and a half years of his giving us his best. It was our turn to give to him what he needed the most....for us to let him go... for now. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Comment by Sylvia & Timmy on February 26, 2009 at 10:30pm
I'm so sorry for you and your loss. Your tribute to him is beautiful and reflects the special relationship you two had. You'll be in our "lay me downs, tonite". That'll do Deion, that'll do.
Comment by Brenda and Gary on February 26, 2009 at 9:57pm
I know how hard this is at the moment. I'm crying just reading this because my Tiki crossed that bridge on 2/17/09. It is amazing how these little ones can carve a spot in your heart forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Comment by Jenni & Dave Fields on February 26, 2009 at 9:20pm
Sam-what a beautifully written tribute to your dear Deion. I remember how difficult it was when my cat passed last year. Our pets are such loyal, trusted companions, but you know when they are ready to go. You will be in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 26, 2009 at 9:19pm
I am so sorry to hear that Sam, Deion was a sweet boy, he was one of the few wheel corgis that I've met, I remember his beautiful smile and how excited he was when we dropped by :) One of these days, we shall meet again Deion...
Comment by Amanda on February 26, 2009 at 9:05pm
After reading this I had to immediately call my little one over and give him a hug and tell him how much I love him. Nothing can put life into perspective like losing a loved one, whether it be a person or a pet. Once again Sam, you always manage to perfectly put into words what everyone has so much trouble saying. I'm just thankful that these wonderful dogs get to spend their last years with someone that cares as much as you do.
Comment by Juneaux and Maximus on February 26, 2009 at 9:04pm
This literally made me cry! I have such a hard time reading about owners losing their corgis:( Though ours are still under a year, I really do try to cherish each day their around:) So sorry about your Deion...
Comment by Nicola Porter on February 26, 2009 at 9:03pm
My dear, dear Deion, God Speed my friend. You shall always remain in the heart of Sam, though I did not know you I know OF you.

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