Sam's Blog (15)

Corgi Aid

Hi corgi lovers,

I am hoping that you will all take time to go visit the Corgi Aid online Auction. This annual event is great fun, gives you the opportunity to purchase hard to find corgi items and helps rescue corgis and corgi mixes all over America. Being a long time rescuer I must tell you that many of the corgis that are rescued would not have been as fortunate without the financial assistance of Corgi Aid. The helpful folks at Corgi Aid also provide a grand service of having a cart… Continue

Added by Sam on November 15, 2009 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Corgi Aid

Hi corgi lovers,

I am hoping that you will all take time to go visit the Corgi Aid online Auction. This annual event is great fun, gives you the opportunity to purchase hard to find corgi items and helps rescue corgis and corgi mixes all over America. Being a long time rescuer I must tell you that many of the corgis that are rescued would not have been as fortunate without the financial assistance of Corgi Aid. The helpful folks at Corgi Aid also provide a grand service of having a cart… Continue

Added by Sam on November 15, 2009 at 2:21pm — 2 Comments

Another rescue story

What a great story about what is involved in getting a dog out of a shelter. We have many well meaning people send us updates about dogs in shelters. Sadly some will have nothing to do with rescues. Others have rules so stringent that we are unable to follow through. Many will not reserve a dog for us which frequently means we work hard to arrange a pick up the day the dog is to be released only to find that it has been adopted or no longer there.

Just a few weeks ago Sunshine Corgi Rescue… Continue

Added by Sam on August 16, 2009 at 4:45pm — 13 Comments

corgis and shedding

I see many questions asked regarding the shedding process of corgis. First and foremost I must say that corgis do shed copious amounts. It is part of owning this enchanted breed and something that one will have to accept. I will be happy to share some tips to manage the shedding a bit which may be helpful.

Feed a good quality food. Generally I recommend a food that does not contain corn in the first five ingredients. There is no "best" food. There are many good foods. A good diet is the… Continue

Added by Sam on June 17, 2009 at 6:50pm — 16 Comments

My heart dog

I cant believe I am once again sharing the dreadful news of the loss of another grand corgi pal in my life. My dear Kiss left me a week and a half ago. Kiss was a wonderful red and white girl who I shared my life with for the last 13 years. We did so much together, learned together, explored together and were a true team. I think Kiss taught me as much as I taught her, perhaps more.

Kiss was my partner in obedience, agility and was the demo dog for classes I taught for six years. We were… Continue

Added by Sam on May 9, 2009 at 10:00pm — 18 Comments

Noise reactive corgis

This is another discussion that I see arise frequently. It is not uncommon for corgis to respond in an "excitable" fashion at some noises. Some dogs seem to be more sensitive or anxious to noises and will react by barking, nipping or biting at the object that disturbs them. Initially it is quite humorous but you will soon learn that the behavior increases with time. The reactivity may also start to include other noises. In time you will become very frustrated with this situation.

I have… Continue

Added by Sam on April 18, 2009 at 10:48pm — 1 Comment

Should I get another corgi?

I see this question arise frequently and thought I would share my experiences over the years to help you make a good decision. This is something that should be well thought out and knowing what you may face could help you make a good choice.

First may I tell you that getting two pups at the same time is rarely a good decision. Most reputable breeders would never give you this option because it poses many great difficulties. Raising a puppy can be a full time job if you are a dedicated… Continue

Added by Sam on March 12, 2009 at 7:03am — 9 Comments

Yet another crosses the bridge

Deion is a handsome tri boy that aged very well. At 13 he looked as dapper as he has all of his life. His coat shown with a grand sheen in the sun and his eyes sparkled continuiously. He is a grand boy, loves everyone he meets, is good with children and other dogs. He was a mild mannered fellow that could go anywhere and know how to charm everyone.

Just over a year ago I noticed a minute difference in his way of traveling. I continued to watch but had an inkling that perhaps DM was the… Continue

Added by Sam on February 26, 2009 at 7:57pm — 20 Comments

Florida Corgi Picnic

I want to wish all the attendees a grand time at the picnic in FL this weekend. I will not be able to attend as I will be enjoying Pine Mountain Ga attending the national corgi speciality. There will be several of our wonderful Sunshine Corgi Rescue volunteers in attendance. If you see them take time to give that a pat on the back. Without the help of these wonderful folks we would not have been able to take in over 80 dogs already this year.

Know that I will be with you all in spirit. Hug… Continue

Added by Sam on November 11, 2008 at 10:09pm — 1 Comment

Good night sweet Zen

Wanted to share that I helped my dear rescue boy Zen cross the bridge on October 16. Zen arrived in my home in June 07 in horrible condition. Bless his heart I didnt even know where to start to try to bring this boy to some sort of reasonable health. The problems were many including severe hair loss, fungus infections of his ears and feet, he was deaf, had a misshapen ear due to an untreated hematoma, visually impaired probably due to chronic eye infections, a broken tail that was never tended… Continue

Added by Sam on October 24, 2008 at 10:00pm — 13 Comments

Training classes

I have seen many posts on this list with pups that are challenging. I often recommend dog training classes. They offer so much more than most people know. I think EVERY dog and their owner should attend at the minimum of one basic obedience class. If you purchase a pup I think a puppy kindergarten class and basic obedience class is in order.

ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIALIZATION - Obedience classes give your dog the opportunity to be in a different environment with different smells, noises and… Continue

Added by Sam on August 21, 2008 at 6:31pm — 12 Comments

Independence Day of a different sort

Hi gang,

My dear Deion's DM has been progressing rapidly. I have tried two different carts for the last six weeks with little to no success. It is heartbreaking to watch the decline of such a proud and kind fellow who has shared my life for near 10 years.

This past Tuesday gave me quite a scare. Deion didn't get up at all. He laid under the bed from early morning until early evening. He just seemed worried. I picked him up and brought him outside at this time and he just wouldn't… Continue

Added by Sam on July 4, 2008 at 2:42pm — 6 Comments

House Training 101

I have seen a multitude of posts regarding housetraining so thought I would construct information that would serve as basic guidelines of how to train and what to expect. We all get excited about bringing that new puppy home but remember, it takes lots of work to help that pup grow up to be a cherished companion. It doesnt happen magically and takes input, time, love and patience from you, the owner.

Generally pups come to their new homes between 8 - 10 weeks. This is quite an overwhelming… Continue

Added by Sam on June 23, 2008 at 9:39am — 17 Comments

Purchasing a pup - what to expect

So you have decided to purchase a pup and find the corgi to be irresistable. There are many posts on this site to direct you to responsible breeders. What I think may also be helpful here is to learn what planning needs to be done and what to expect. It is evident that many have been surprised, some frustrated and have been seeking assistance via this list. So here you go.....the puppy primer....things to consider before getting that pup.

First thing I would consider is finding a… Continue

Added by Sam on May 11, 2008 at 3:27pm — 9 Comments

web sites and buying puppies

Many times I have heard people mention that they found a great breeder on the web and they are reputable breeders. Truly the web sites are quite easy to navigate and tell the reputable breeders apart from those breeding for profit. I thought perhaps sharing that information may help people make a more educated decision when starting the search for a pup.

A reputable breeders site:

Here you will learn the name of the breeder, the kennel and see a bio about who they are,… Continue

Added by Sam on May 7, 2008 at 6:34pm — 5 Comments

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