Purchasing a pup - what to expect

So you have decided to purchase a pup and find the corgi to be irresistable. There are many posts on this site to direct you to responsible breeders. What I think may also be helpful here is to learn what planning needs to be done and what to expect. It is evident that many have been surprised, some frustrated and have been seeking assistance via this list. So here you go.....the puppy primer....things to consider before getting that pup.
First thing I would consider is finding a veterinarian in your area that you feel comfortable with. Find out if he offers emergency referrals or you must seek our an emergency clinic in your area. If an emergency arises you will be much more able to handle it properly having a planned veterinarian. I also suggest that you make an appointment within a few days of bringing your puppy home. Many sellers offer little to no guarantee should you not do this. Keep in mind that pups from pet shops, high production breeders and pups raised outside are exposed to many parasites, bacterias and stresses. Simply because of the numbers it is hard to keep a pup free of these little invaders. Did you know that many parasite larva and bacterias can live up to a year?
Plan your finances. The first year of raising a pup can be quite costly. You have the maintenance veterinary costs of vaccinations (it is a series, not just one shot) spaying/neutering, microchipping and registration, parasite control and preventative. You then have supplies such as a crate, several collars as they grow, a lead, toys and grooming supplies. This can add up quickly. Learn the needs and costs prior to adding a pup. Most vets will gladly give you their basic fee schedule, maintenance medication costs and fees for office visits.
Space. Consider the space you have and your ability to keep your new pup from destroying what you do have. Not having a fenced yard makes raising a pup most challenging. Their needs for outings are frequent and decide if you have the time to spend to house train them as well as expend their energy needs. Two walks a day is not sufficient for a growing pup.
Time. Pups require lots of time. Do know that it is a rare corgi that is housetrained before the age of one year. All puppies chew, all puppies must learn how to releive themselves outside, all puppies bark. Part of the job of the new owner is to learn how to teach these things to a puppy. A training class highly recommended for all dogs.
Dedication. Many folks who have just moved out on their own want their very own pup. Keep in mind that at this time in life many changes are about to occur. You may soon be graduating from school, you may be changing jobs, you may have roommates who have other animals that make owning a pup more challenging then you bargained for. You may be getting married or considering starting a family. All of these changes not only affect you will but will have huge affect on your dog. Remember that a well trained dog is accepted most anywhere. They need to be well socialized with other dogs, cats, adults and children so you can maintain them no matter what life changes you may encounter. Giving up a dog is heartbreaking but a reality for many that have not prepared.
Care. Corgis need regular grooming to keep their shedding at bay. If you have a corgi you will have to battle the hair. Find proper grooming tools to help you keep it to a mimimum. Groom regularly. Consider keeping their nails short, ears cleaned, teeth brushed and bathing every month to six weeks. Healthy corgis rarely have an odor and brush easily of debris. If your corgi swims they must be rinsed free of chemicals or salt water.
Basic corgi behavior. Remember corgis are herding dogs. They have a propensity to be vocal, bossy, pushy and possessive. One must learn how to recognize and redirect these behaviors very early on. Little problems will become big problems....you can count on it. Nipping and growling may be cute for a puppy but certainly not for an adult dog. Any behaviors that are allowed as a pup will remain in the adult dog. Behaviors become ingrained by repetition.
General dog health. Learn the signs of proper health and what may be problematic. Poor eating habits, lethargy, chronic vomiting and diarrhea are all causes for great concern. Learn to guage a growing pups weight and adjust food accordingly. Stay aware of any changes from the norm for your pup. Learn what foods and plants may be toxic. Keep all human medications in a safe place, pups will eat anything. Keep your pup supervised or confined at all times.
Records. Maintain proper records of your pup. You may need these when traveling, boarding or changing vets.
Hope some of you find this helpful and give you the opportunity to plan well.

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Comment by Kylie Dennison on November 21, 2013 at 11:54am

Hi Sam I'm new to this site and very new to Corgis. I want to get one in the next 4-6 months so I have been reading and saving up as much as I can and this was very helpful. But I do have a question. If I want a corgi so they can "herd" my kids or protect the family but we don't plan on kids till our corgi would be around 2 can you still train a young corgi to do specific herding and duties?

Comment by Jessica Good on December 22, 2009 at 6:16pm
This is extremely helpful as I am planning to get a corgi in the next year after I have moved and settled into a place of my own with my close friend.

I hope you don't mind though I have a few questions as well. =)

I am wondering if it will be a problem that I work full time (40 hours a week). Although my friend has a more flexible schedule than I do (sometimes she opens or closes at a hair cutting place and gets random weekdays off). So I imagine it will be good that she is there sometimes when I am not to give my pup exercise?

Also she is planning to get a German Shepherd puppy of her own at the same time I get my corgi, that way the two dogs can grow up together. But I am wondering will a big, female German Shepherd get along with a tiny, male Pembroke Welsh Corgi?

The only other kinds of dogs I have owned (with my family, so the family dogs) are a Yorkshire Terrier, Jack Russel Terriers, a West Highland Terrier, and a Papillon/Beagle mix (we guess) pound puppy. So I have had a lot of experience with smaller dogs (a lot of terriers at that!) rather than big ones like Shepherds.

Just wondering what I might be getting myself into here in the future. Hehe~
Comment by Sam on July 27, 2009 at 6:22pm
Dear Sarah, Let me know what you are specifically having issues with and I will try to help.
Comment by Jeff, Karen, Violet and Magnus on March 29, 2009 at 6:26pm
Regarding the house training issue. Violet was pretty much trained within 3 months.....although those were the longest 3 months! When we got Magnus, he followed his big sister's lead and only messed a couple of times before he got the hang of it. We also got them from a breeder I contacted on-line who could have taken total advantage of us, but didn't. We had no idea what we were getting into, but our puppies came to us healthy and happy. They flew to Florida from Texas and we went to the airport to meet each one - it felt like an international adoption. We had cameras there and everything. We got lucky - It could have been much worse with all the horror stories I read on the web - I guess someone was looking out for us.
Comment by Marion and Vern on March 10, 2009 at 3:54pm
Thanks for posting this Sam. Good to see we are on the right track. It has been almost 13 years since we have had a puppy in the house and come April 18 our little Samantha will be at home with us. Argh the wait is killing me. lol
Comment by Megan and Penelope on May 11, 2008 at 6:44pm
Nice thing to put, it really is good to think of it as having an actual child to put that in perspective for some ppl! Might not be quite as expensive, but all the work and preparation sure is there!
Comment by Sylvia & Timmy on May 11, 2008 at 6:36pm
Great information Sam! Just thought I'd add that my cost breakdown, barring medical emergencies, was $1850.00 in the first year, adding in the cost of the puppy, grand total $2450.00. The costs did include two training classes at Petco.

It would be nice if we could keep this information easily available for newer members. Very often important information, like this, gets and stays buried in the forums and I'm not sure people click through all the old pages.
Comment by Kasaundra on May 11, 2008 at 5:58pm
Thanks for posting that up, it's really helpful!
Comment by James on May 11, 2008 at 3:47pm
Thanks, that reminded me to find an emergency care facility in my area.

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