Many times I have heard people mention that they found a great breeder on the web and they are reputable breeders. Truly the web sites are quite easy to navigate and tell the reputable breeders apart from those breeding for profit. I thought perhaps sharing that information may help people make a more educated decision when starting the search for a pup.

A reputable breeders site:

Here you will learn the name of the breeder, the kennel and see a bio about who they are, when they became involved in corgis and what their goals are. You will see pictures of their dogs, typically pictures from a show win and/or in performance events. Sometimes you will see candid shots around the home. Any titles the dog has earned will be visable. You will see a pedigree of the dog as well as the health testings that have been performed. You will see the above information regarding any dog they are using in their breeding program. They usually list membership in breed clubs and training clubs. You will often see links to informative sites regarding the breed, the standard, rescue sites and health sites.
You will find that these people welcome inquiries regarding available pups or upcoming litters. Rarely will you see specific pictures of pups offered for sale. You will notice that there usually is not another breed listed, though a few folks do work with two breeds. You will notice that they typically only breed a litter or two per year. They typically do not take deposits on pups but request that you contact them and answer questions as they are most concerned with where their pups are going to live. You will often see the requirements of ownership as well as a copy of their contract. The contract will usually guarantee their pups for a period of two years from genetic defects and will offer to take their dog back at any time.

Production breeder site:

Here you will see pictures of darling puppies offered for sale. Many are posed with very cute toys. You will see a price, requests for deposits and shipping details. You will often see pictures of the parents, neither of which possess any sort of accomplishments or health testings. Rarely will you see any pedigrees. Most frequently you will see pictures of the parents in outdoor locations and sometimes in kennels. You will often see many breeds being offered for sale as well as numerous litters throughout the year. You will see how they tout their dogs to be healthy. Some will mention their stud dog to be proven which means nothing more then his ability to reproduce. Some will mention their stud dog is DNA tested. This is a requirement for the "frequent sire" program by AKC and only identifies the dogs DNA, nothing more. This is no representation of quality. You will sometimes see Champion Bloodlines. This is usually nothing more than a sales pitch. One or two champion dogs several generations back does not show any sort of a breeding program but more a way to sell pups. Sometimes you will see multi-registrations. This too is nothing more than a sales tactic leading the unsuspecting buyer to believe some grand eligibility. Some will offer show quality pups. It isnt with frequency that production breeders use the quality of dogs to produce quality offspring. It takes a good trained eye to spot a hopeful show quality pup. You may see someone bragging about "perfect markings" or "rare colors". There are no perfect markings and rare colors are generally a mismark.

I hope this will help you view web sites with a bit more information. Try it out and see if you can spot the reputable breeders and those that are breeding for sales. Visit this site to find links to reputable breeders. Then do a search for corgi puppies for sale. I think you will see a vast difference.

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Comment by Sam on April 24, 2009 at 9:11pm
Thanks Bobbie for this additional information. Having lost a dog to the effects of DM surely makes one know how important it is. Sadly not quite as many folks are testing dogs as one would like. This seems to be the case with any newer test on the market. Asking about it is a wise choice though. Knowing the answers may be enlightening when learning about what tests are important when making breeding decisions.
Comment by Ingrid (picture Ambrose) on April 19, 2009 at 6:54pm
WOW, this is really helpful. As I am searching through the web for another corgi I had a difficult time figuring out how to see if it was a good place to get a pup/dog from or not. Thank you for taking the time posting this.
Comment by Carmen on May 7, 2008 at 9:05pm
You always have great information. Thanks for posting!
Comment by Sylvia & Timmy on May 7, 2008 at 8:30pm
Thanks, Sam for posting this. Local PWC breeders and clubs will also have information on rescues that might be available in their areas as well.
Comment by Megan and Penelope on May 7, 2008 at 6:47pm
So glad you put this for all those who joined the site and want to look for a puppy. If at a total loss, they can always start a breeder search the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America (or the Cardigan equivalent) and look for members in their state or nearby. If those ppl don't have any puppies, they are always helpful and recommend good breeders to you.

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