OK, Here it is and it is another tough one! I had real reservations about stopping here and taking this picture because it wasn't that long ago that the natives of this area would have been serving Bear up on a spit with a nice flat bread. However, the view was worth the risk. It is hard to imagine that just a little over an hour before taking this picture we were out in the desert surrounded by little green men. And then, heading south for a couple of little mountain ranges with lots of snow melt off (even in April) running down the highway and here we are watching for missels shooting off. That bright white area in the background is what Bear is standing in in the first photo in our album and it ain't snow. The last four photos that I have added to Bear's pictures were all taken on the same day. Ain't that the prettiest face that you have ever seen on the Historical Marker picture? Anyway, The answer to this beautiful desert WHERE'S BEAR location is just three little words. Good Luck!!!

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Comment by Alice on April 7, 2010 at 6:26pm
Hmm, that kind of looks like the El Mirage lake bed back there... Mojave Desert, Gray Butte? Anywhere close?
Comment by Tammey & Caven on April 7, 2010 at 6:20pm
Thanks Ann but Nope. Great Salt Lakes would be fun. We haven't been there yet. I am not sure that Bear is al that lucky. He says that climbing sand dunes is something that stinging scorpions and dung beatles do!

Comment by Tammey & Caven on April 7, 2010 at 6:07pm
Nope, no skeleton men. To far north. Those rug weavers don't even know how to cook a dog.
Comment by Avyon on April 7, 2010 at 5:27pm
Met any skeleton men on your way ;)

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