Bad, bad news - it's severe hip dysplasia

We just got back from the vet, and it's not good. I posted a discussion about how last night, in mid-stride, Sidney suddenly yelped in pain and would not bear weight on his hind left leg. Our vet took xrays and he has very severe hip dysplasia. His femur on the left side is completely out of what little hip socket he has.

Right now he's on Rimadyl for pain, and he's to be getting glucosamine to help build cartilage. He's acting normal and happy, but won't put weight on the bad hip.

We're going to a surgical specialist today to have a consult. They may recommend surgery. I know there are a member or two here who have had this done.

I'd really appreciate if anyone with experience with hip dysplasia could let me know about your experience.

My poor boy...he's been my hiking buddy and we would go on several walks each week. I feel so sad. He's only three.

We've had the consult and the vet says that it typically has amazing results. They remove the femoral head (that's right, making a corgi's short legs even shorter!) and the hip joint becomes a floating joint instead of a ball-and-socket.
They'll want him to start walking on it after a week...only a week! They say exercise is very important in healing. That's good since Sidney and I love our walks. He should be back to normal walking/running after he heals with maybe just a slight hitch in his giddy-up.
It was a quick decision to schedule the surgery. He's going in tomorrow morning (Wednesday). Please send prayers/good thoughts/corgi kisses Sidney's way.

Now to pay for it. Oy. He's worth every penny!

*** Second update ***

We have to postpone surgery to Tuesday. Our DemonCat knocked some chocolates off the table and we didn't know if Sidney ate any. We gave H2O2 and there was no chocolate in SId's tummy, but the doc wanted to be safe and postpone.

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Comment by Beth on August 31, 2010 at 4:02pm
Oh my, I am so sorry to hear that! Poor Sidney, and hugs to you too.
Comment by Shirley, Rhys & Moli on August 31, 2010 at 4:01pm
Sorry it was bad news Geri, poor Sidney. I always think of them as such robust little dogs. The good news is that he is happy and they can do such great things these days. I will be watching for news of his progress & thinking about you.
Comment by Jessie & Alwyn on August 31, 2010 at 3:41pm
I'm so very sorry to hear the news Geri! Unfortunately I do not have any experience in that area but I'm here for support. Think positive and I hope you're able to keep him as pain free as possible. We'll be thinking of you, keep up updated.

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