So Callie goes through phases where she will be perfectly fine, then she will throw up, then be fine again. How it usually goes is we get up, she runs around and begs for food, but doesn't eat the food just yet. Then she will play some more, pukes (twice), then goes off to eat her food. Then she carries through the day with no problems, only to repeat the thing the very next day. This will go on for a few days and then she will be fine for a week or so until it starts up again.

As some of you may know she had surgery not to long ago involving her intestines, and if she had just started this cycle I would take her in right away, but since she did this before the surgery I don't know what I should do. This is her first time doing this since the surgery, I thought all the stuff before the surgery was just effects of the growth. (Well once we knew there was something wrong.)

Like I said before she's completely normal, she begs for food, eats, drinks, pees, and poos like normal. She doesn't act any different except for a minute or so before and after the puking. The puke is just liquid too, sometimes with a yellowish color, sometimes clear.

I just don't know what to do, everything is normal expect for the puking.

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Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on November 18, 2010 at 12:07pm
Can you call your vet and see what they recommend? It sounds like its the empty belly causing vomiting. Sometimes you can give a cookie before bed or give some pepcid before bed or even a small meal and that will help keep her from puking in the morning. Ask your vet about a pepcid dose and if this is an ok thing to give her with her past medical problems.

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