I really didn't want to turn my Odie into a dope-fiend!  But he does have anxiety issues periodically, when there's a thunderstorm, or sometimes when we go on long road trips (any longer than 20 miles is too long for him).  So... instead of making him all dopey, which I REALLY wasn't about to do, I found out about the thundershirt. 

I just ordered one on Amazon (a size medium, hopefully it won't be too big!) and I can't wait to try it out.  According to the videos on the website, it appears to work wonders for some dogs.  How will Odie do with it?  I hope it works for him, as we are going to a concert down the coast (a few hours away) and taking him with us.

I guess once the trip is over I will have to post an update here... stay tuned!

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Comment by Anna Morelli on March 19, 2011 at 5:06pm
Have you tried Homeopathic Bach's Rescue Remedy?  A few drops can be put in water or directly in the mouth.  Works great for people too in any situation that overwhelms.  Most health food stores should carry it.

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