Intelligent! How to help Odie use his "smarts"??

I know I'm a little impartial, but my little guy seems to be so smart, and getting smarter all the time!  I just want to know if there are any books, videos, etc. that can help me learn to train/educate Odie to use his full potential??  Anyone know of anything helpful for me?  Thanks!

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Comment by Jennifer Markley on January 14, 2011 at 5:16pm
"101 Dog Tricks".  I advise learning 1-2 new ones a week....
Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on January 14, 2011 at 5:10pm
youtube is always a good place to look for dog tricks to teach Odie. Many training places also offer a full class on tricks. I signed Franklin up for a few agillity classes and some rally classes to use his brains. I also feed exclusively in interactive toys so he has to use his brain to get his breakfast and dinner, he gets both meals split between a tug-a-jug and an omega treat ball. Also a stuffed Kong or Everlasting Treat ball is are both good was to tire them out mentally.
Comment by Kari & Quin on January 14, 2011 at 12:38pm
I love youtube,  Kikopup and Pamela Marxsen are my faves.  but there are other good ones also a couple of corgi people that have done clicker training and have some videos on there too.

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