I really didn't want to turn my Odie into a dope-fiend!  But he does have anxiety issues periodically, when there's a thunderstorm, or sometimes when we go on long road trips (any longer than 20 miles is too long for him).  So... instead of making him all dopey, which I REALLY wasn't about to do, I found out about the thundershirt. 

I just ordered one on Amazon (a size medium, hopefully it won't be too big!) and I can't wait to try it out.  According to the videos on the website, it appears to work wonders for some dogs.  How will Odie do with it?  I hope it works for him, as we are going to a concert down the coast (a few hours away) and taking him with us.

I guess once the trip is over I will have to post an update here... stay tuned!

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Comment by Anna Morelli on April 3, 2011 at 1:29pm
Try a combination and do it with regular short trips, a training kind of thing.
Comment by Lisa and Odie on April 3, 2011 at 1:00pm

I guess it's back to the drawing board for me!!!  We just got back from a long road trip with Odie wearing his thundershirt... on the way TO our destination, I really thought it was starting to work... he was pacing and panting, but not shaking so much.  On the way HOME, however, he was just as stressed as always.

The thundershirt DOES have a money-back guarantee, but I won't be sending mine back.  I do like to put it on him, and he does think he's pretty handsome with it on (just look at him smiling in his pictures!) but..  I guess I'm going to try some herbal supplements now.  I'm looking into purchasing a few different things to try (Quiet Moments, Rescue Remedy, and Happy Traveler).

I will post again once I try any of these things with the results... I HOPE something will work eventually!

Comment by Lisa and Odie on March 25, 2011 at 9:47pm
Well... I got the thundershirt in the mail today.  Odie didn't fight me to get it on (a good thing, as it was a little difficult to maneuver at first), and, the package advertises that it helps with "leash pulling" (something Odie is notorious for!) so... I took him for a walk after getting it on him.  To be honest, I'm not really sure if it worked on the leash pulling part or not, it DID seem like he was a little calmer and less "pully" to me.  Next Friday, I will test him with it on when we drive 3 hours down the coast.  Cross your fingers!!!  I will update after the roadtrip... (I've posted a few pics of him with it on...)
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 20, 2011 at 4:11am

Hmm, interesting!
Here is what Amazon says:

Product Description

Thundershirt's gentle, constant pressure has a dramatic calming effect for most dogs when anxious, fearful, or over-excited. Thundershirt is a terrific solution for fear of thunder, fireworks, separation anxiety, travel, jumping, barking and more. Drug-free. Completely safe. Comfortable for dog. An 85% success rate. Money-back guarantee. Very easy to use. This size (medium) is for dogs with a chest size between 18" and 26". See sizing table below. Recommended by thousands of vets and trainers around the world. Sizing Table - Chest Size (measured behind the front legs) is the best method, but weight may be used to approximate. XXS - 9"-13.5" Chest Size - < 12 lbs. XS - 13"-18" Chest Size - 10-18 lbs. S - 16"-23" Chest Size - 15-25 lbs. M - 18"-26" Chest Size - 20-50 lbs. L - 24"-32" Chest Size - 40-70 lbs. XL - 31"-40" Chest Size - 60-100 lbs. XXL - 38"-50" Chest Size -- > 90 lbs.



Comment by Jane on March 19, 2011 at 10:05pm
I've heard good things about the thundershirt on other sites. Another thing you could try is Rescue Remedy, I think it's just helps them relax. They sell a people version too so I think it's pretty safe to use.
Comment by Cindi & Twinkie on March 19, 2011 at 8:41pm

Oh, please, please tell me how this works!  Twinkie's sister, Amy, has the hardest time with thunder and fireworks.  We often use tranquilizers on her.  The one thing that helps is for me to run the washing machine again and again.  I am excited to hear more about Thunder Shirt!!


Comment by Darlene Hennessy on March 19, 2011 at 7:59pm
It will be interesting to hear how you like it. Gracie has become afraid of storms lately and likes me to hold her tightly. maybe this would help also.
Comment by Bev Levy on March 19, 2011 at 7:40pm
I am looking forward to hearing if it helped. Sparty has anxiety issues with riding in the car and thunderstorms. I have looked at the ads but never talked to anyone that has tried it.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on March 19, 2011 at 7:19pm
Looking forward to hearing the reviews on it, wondering if it works myself.  Also thinking it might be an option on fourth of July with all the fireworks going off. 
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on March 19, 2011 at 5:22pm
cant wait to hear the update, Ive wondered myself if it works.  If it does work it may be valuable to have around the fourth of july too!!

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