I have been brushing mass amounts of fur out of Odie recently... is it that time of year? I had heard about Corgi's "blowing coat" twice a year... is anyone else's Corgi doing the same right now?

I am using a rubber brush called the Zoom Groom, and it seems to work very well, but are there better brushes out there?

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Comment by Finnley Mae on April 13, 2011 at 3:17pm

I wanted to buy the Furminator, but it was out of my price range. Pet Smart offers a cheaper version made by Bamboo called the Furbuster. (Its also available online)

I like that the blade/comb can be removed from the handle. So over time when the blade gets dull you can replace the blade/comb instead of buying a whole new one.


Comment by Judy Clarke on March 18, 2011 at 8:40pm
Hey, try a furmanator....it works really well......most groomers use it. Good luck!
Comment by Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie on October 26, 2010 at 2:51pm
thats the brush i use, its fabulous unless you have a furmanator..they work very good..and yes it that time again here in corpus christi tx.
Comment by Lisa and Odie on October 4, 2010 at 7:45pm
When I bought the Zoom Groom, the instructions did say I could use it either for a bath or for brushing him. He does love it! However, if there's something better out there I'd like to get it if I can... I went on Amazon.com and searched the furminator, but there are so many different ones on there, how do I know which one to buy? There are some that are over $50.00, and some that are under $15.00... can anyone recommend to me the exact model, or whatever it is, that I need to get that works the best?
Comment by Mark Allen on October 3, 2010 at 7:10pm
Our corgi is only a year old but seemed to do the whole "blown coat" last spring, and he's begun shedding a lot again now that fall is upon us in PA, I could see it happening twice a year at this rate lol.

We use a Furminator comb/brush and love it, but it's expensive in stores so check for it online! (ebay, amazon, etc)
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on October 3, 2010 at 7:08pm
i have never seen that brush but i am a big fan of the furminator. it gets soooo much dead hair out and is kinda relaxing for my corgi teddy. i honestly dont see teddy shed that much and he dosnt seem to be right now but that could be because i brush him and bath him a lot lol the furminator may seem expensive but i would definitely get one as they just work wonders:) they are worth every penny
Comment by Carmen on October 3, 2010 at 5:58pm
Yep, it's that time of year. I got three little corgis blowing their coats right now.

I use a furminator. It works great to get all the dead hair out. It is a little expensive, I think worth the price.
Comment by Matt Hayeslip on October 3, 2010 at 3:04pm
Oh yes. Mine seems to shed constantly all year. I keep an undercoat rake handy and give him a once over a couple times a week as well as a reguar brush. It does seem like there are 2 different times of year that he sheds more but it really doesn't ever completely stop
Comment by Rachael & Waffle on October 3, 2010 at 12:38pm
I thought the "Zoom Groom" was something to use in the bath. My favorite brush for Waffle is a 8$ undercoat rake (for long hair dogs,not the short hair one)-- I got 14 brushfuls of hair out of him last week and need to brush him again. It's definitely the start of shedding season. The days are getting shorter and the fur is falling out! If I can find the brush online, I'll post a link.
Comment by Sam Tsang on October 3, 2010 at 12:24pm
Yes it is. The furminator is a must have.

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