Linda Mae was my Corgi (Mandy's) sister. They turned one year old on Sunday May 4th. Many of you dropped by to wish Mandy a Happy Birthday. They celebrated their birthday's together and had a great time having snacks and eating doggie ice-cream. We also would watch Linda Mae when my husband's parents would go out of town. Linda Mae belonged to them. I have several pictures of her here at Mandy's page from Linda's visits. Linda Mae is the red Corgi and Mandy is the tri-color.
Yesterday, my mother-in-law was leaving her drive-way and she turned to check to make sure Linda Mae was not in the way. Linda was sitting out of the way, so she proceeded to back out of the driveway. As she was backing up she heard a thump. My mother-in-law slammed on the brakes and ran out and Linda Mae had ran under her tire and she ran over her. She died instantly. She was buried under some trees by their house.
We are all pretty upset by it. It you have a chance, will you go by and visit Linda Mae's page and say good-bye.
Here is her link and a picture of her.

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