I started back at work and was pleasantly suprised how well Cheez-it is handling the matter. He doesnt fuss when I leave and he is quiet when I come home. I leave him out all the time when I am home and even let him sleep outside the kennel now for his many puppy-naps. (which have decreased in frequency by 300% since 8wks). I try my best to wear him out before I leave and before he goes to bed, but he is "always" awake now. I imagine because he sleeps all day while I am gone. After the 5 hour kennel sit-in he takes one serious bladder-movement, I'm actually sort of impressed at the amount of liquid-Tostitos he can produce on command.
He is now 11 weeks old, having the first 3 weeks of his life spent in 24 hour company I would say he is a very well minded pup. He still does ALL of the usual puppy things, biting, chewing, barking. He does them very infrequently though. I can count how many times I have heard him bark on 2 (well okay more like 6) hands. 14 weeks I believe and we can go do Man-Dog things such as take walks and hit the beach (I am exceptionally looking forward to that one, I am now a creamy shade of pale from all of the time indoors).
One thing has become sort of annoying. I spend time with him working on bite inhibition. He is free to smell about my hands and climb all over me and he does nibble and perform the occasional bite to which I "OUCH" and ignore him for a few minutes. That is working well, he is pretty courteous dealing with people-parts now, well except for the face. If he is near my face, he bites, and right for the eyes! Im not positive how I can handle that one. I do not plan on giving him face time to learn face-bite inhibition. That training effort would be painfull and possibly blinding. Any ideas? He see's a face within 2 feet of him and he bites it, plain and simple.
He has a few buddies in the neighborhood and he plays really nice with them. There is an Akita he see's alot and he does not bite her face or any of the other dogs for that matter. Im curious to know what is so desirable about the taste of my face?
My plan from here is to maintain his routine and basic tricks/behavior now until 14 weeks then work on the following listed in order of priority, tips on these would be great!
1.) Heeling, he simply must be good off-leash and heeling is the start for that.
2.) Come, he doesnt have this down pat outside yet. I bet because of his limited mobility until his shots.
3.) Spending the night(s) gradually outside his kennel until he can sleep the night without causing trouble.
4.) Spending a few minutes a day in the house alone (with a camera setup lol).
5.) Pee on command! This is hard for me to train now because of his lack of mobility. I cant walk him around a fun distance after he goes just yet.
6.) Swimming, he simply must. He hates baths but he's learning to swim, no If's or But's about it.
Also keeping his daily trick-time and play-time intact. He almost has all the basic tricks down, just needs to work on his patience.
Oh yes, I asked about adult-hair time estimates on my last blog because I thought he had a patch of hair possibly. It started out as a greasy spot on his lower back. Looking like the flea-treatment was applied. I washed him and it was still there, so I thought I left shampoo on him. Re-washed him and it was still there, so I brushed him out really good and checked for bugs/ticks ect. then Bitter-appled the area incase he was chewing.
Well he wasnt chewing, it's just big-boy hair coming in I guess. Like you guys said, slowly forming a faux-hawk up his spine. He's really un-groomed looking lately due to that and his grey puppy-hairs and receeding black beard. It's intresting how much he has changed in such a short period of time, but I think the worst part is over (the potty issues). He has not pee'd inside in about one and a half weeks, and even then it was only the occasional accident. I hear other horror stories about potty training and I am thankful that I spent such a huge amount of time with him from day 1 because he is learning the important stuff fast. Once potty-training and Behavior is pretty solid it's all about fun-play and exciting stuff. I think he will really enjoy it. I'm taking him hiking in the Carolinas in a few months. Hopefully he can sleep in a tent! (and mabye carry a small bag)
Am I forgetting something? If so let me know! I'm really trying to do things perfectly and document for use on friend for Cheez-it in a few months. I know I want a Shiba-Inu or another Corgi, still undecided on that, but I think her name will be "K.T."
Ah well, Good Night.
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