Just so you know, Princess PP stands for Princess Psycho Penny :) I told someone at work that we've been calling her that and they assumed it was because she's peeing all over the place. She actually has been doing really well with not peeing in the house, but I was on vacation & home with her all last week, so I was able to take her out frequently. The real test will be today, now that I am back at work. I anticipate a big mess in the laundryroom when my daughter comes home this afternoon.

Anyhow, she is psycho just because of the frapping & the herding, and unfortunately the biting. She is working through it though. She now stops when we say "no bite!" She goes right back to it after a minute, though. It's dangerous to hold her on my lap, she already bit me on the neck. And the cats run, so of course she chases. My cat Russ sits on the couch with his tail dangling tantalizingly over the edge, stupid cat! My son, who is 6, won't stand still if she goes after his feet. I've tried to tell him that he needs to stop moving and just push her away and say no, that when he is "dancing" trying to keep his feet away from her, it's just making his feet more appealing. And then there was the "incident" at the vet's office on Thursday. The vet got down in her face, which I have to say was pretty stupid, but she was giving her the "oh, you're so cute" babytalk. And Penny bit her on the nose. Not just a bite, she hooked her little razor teeth right in the vet's nostril! The vet had to reach down and disengage Penny from her nose. I have to admit I laughed pretty hard when I got in the car, (and then felt terribly guilty for laughing) but it was so Monty Python-esque, I couldn't help it. That's my sick sense of humor!

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Comment by Caitlin on May 27, 2008 at 1:55pm
Kimberly, I saw your blog about chewing wood and stealing things around the house...Penny loves to chew on bark, mulch, sticks, whatever....And inside, it's like having to babyproof the house all over again. This morning I went to the bedroom to put a damp washcloth in the dirty laundry pile. I didn't notice Penny following me in, she's not usually allowed in the bedroom, at least not at this point in her life. So I tossed the washcloth and all of sudden there is this little blonde blur racing back into the other room with a wet washcloth in her mouth. It's 7am and I am chasing a small Corgi around the house, playing "get the washcloth"! It was probably hysterical to watch, thank goodness I was the only one around....
Comment by Kimberly on May 27, 2008 at 1:36pm
oh thank goodness there are others of you out there with the same problem. I wish I had my camera with me to take a picture of my heel-- it is covered with bite marks. We have done "NO BITE!," a dominant approach, a "turn back and ignore dog" approach, and NOTHING IS WORKING. I don't want to punish Blaze by putting him in the crate, so I'm sorta at my wits end with him. (my 3 year old son does the same thing your son does-- dances around screaming "He's biting me!! he's biting me!!" LOL)

We don't start puppy classes til June 19. It's just nice to have others that share my pain. :-) He is a perfect little pooch otherwise!!!
Comment by Megan and Penelope on May 27, 2008 at 12:15pm
Must be the name, my girl Penelope (Penny for short)'s worst thing is the biting. She chews everything, including us. We sit on the floor to play with her and she jumps and tries to bite anything she can, hair, jewelry, anything! She got my friend the other day, both of my wrists and arms are full of bite marks :( Sometimes she does well with "No bite", but that is the only command that will sometimes work. I've even resorted to spraying bitter apple on my fingers and toes at times haha. But, I've been sitting with a broken up little treat and trying to reinforce the no bite and when she chews her toys instead. Lots of praise and sometimes little pieces of treats! She will also be starting puppy training this week! I feel your pain, literally!

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