It was unusually cold this morning :( so when I woke up I put on my warmer "winter" slippers, which I haven't worn for a couple of months, since before we got Penny. She is obsessed with them! They have a lambswool cuff on them and that's the part she loves, but I almost crushed her several times because she was attached to my feet. She wasn't actually biting my feet, just the cuff, but I think I am going to have to make the slippers go away because she no longer bites anyone's feet and I don't want to back-slide. She has even been leaving my son's feet alone, and that was the hardest part, his feet were so tempting because he would dance around when she "attacked".

Also, whoever thought of the empty water bottle as a puppy toy is a total genius! I feel kind of stupid for buying all of these plushies, and chewies, etc... because her absolute favorite is the water bottle. We have hardwood floors and she bites it and it shoots out of her mouth and flies across the floor at an amazing rate of speed. It was kind of a shock the first few times I got hit in the ankles with it. I don't even need to put any kibble in it, she is very entertained with it just empty. Having to retrieve it from whatever spot it got stuck in is the only downfall.

It is amazing to me how much she has changed in the (almost) month that she has been with us, in personality and also physically. She is doing so well with housetraining, biting, listening. Well, she needs more work on listening, but she usually comes when called. We don't have a fence yet, but we live in the woods, last house on a road with only 2 houses on it, so we never see any cars. Anyhow, we usually take her out to potty on leash, just for the experience of getting leash trained. Well, my daughter decided to carry her outside (we have a few stairs, she can go up, but not down yet) and then put the leash on her. Penny bolted the moment she set her down. She is fast! They did one complete turn around the house before she caught her. It was like some bizarre circus race. I would not have thought a 12 week old corgi could out-run a 12 year old for that long!

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Comment by Cindi on June 14, 2008 at 11:48am
And be sure you take the cap off and the ring the cap attaches to. But, the water bottles are excellent toys. I have tons of toys in our training ring at work. What do I use? Water bottles! :-)

Have you tried getting some bitter apple spray and putting it on the fuzz of the slippers?
Comment by Arang&Mark on June 13, 2008 at 9:25pm
lol. yeah scout definitely likes to attack my fuzzy penguin slippers..but not really all that surprised considering how much it looks like his toys. have you tried a sprayer? or a water sprayer? Scout hates water and avoids puddles like he would the plague so it was really very effective for us. we would tell him LEAVE IT! and squirt him with the water spray and he got the message. fyi, you do get a very wet puppy on some days. :D I am so glad she is so far along on training! thats great! good luck wiht everything!
Comment by Caitlin on June 13, 2008 at 4:51pm
Thanks, she's doing great! And I forgot to mention, make sure you peel off the label, although you probably would have figured that out! :)

And your pup is wicked cute! Good luck at the vet!
Comment by Lexi on June 13, 2008 at 4:42pm
Ooh - a water bottle sounds like a great idea (with and without kibble)! Thanks for mentioning that!

Good luck with preventing Penny from digressing in her training! Sounds like she's come a long way.

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