After the death of my trusted Sheltie (Tigger) I tried unsuccessfully to find a "replacement". Then I saw "Joey" on a rescue site. He was labeled "Sheltie" but after several emails I found that the rescue group had mis-identified Joey as a Sheltie!!! Nonetheless I thought he was cute, darling, perfect. The description sounded too good to be true.
According to the foster Mom Joey spent the first 5 years of his life with a family that did not abuse him but neglected him. Their medical problems made Joey "expendable". He spent the next two years with a foster Mom who had to give him up when she planned a trip to China.
Right now I"m learning a lot about Pembroke Corgis. Several MyCorgi participants have commented upon the independence and aloofness of their Corgis. I thought there was something wrong with me..........maybe there is but it seems that Joey's distance and isolation is not that unusual in Corgis. I've had two Shelties in a row and am accustomed to "velcro dogs"....Joey is the ultimate "anti-velcro" dog. When I join him on the deck he moves to the lawn............when I come inside he goes outside. I'm trying hard not to take this personally!!!
Corgi owners have written and told me to be patient (which I am) and that he'll adjust in his own sweet time. Unlike my Shelties Joey won't sleep on the bed............prefers to sleep on the floor.....or better yet.......outside. The foxes in my neighborhood make this unsafe.
Wanting to be a good Dad I took Joey on twice/thrice a day walks only to have his foot pads break out in bleeding lesions.........before long he was hopping around on three legs! Dr. has him on steroids and suggests boots for his little feet. Right now I"m trying to find the ideal boots.....HA!
More later..........
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