Hi everyone! I have another question for you...

I recently got a job that requires hours in the evening. Also, I have recentely broken up with my boyfriend and am now moving to a new apartment. My question is, how long can I leave Daisy in her crate while I'm gone? I do believe that she would be in from 2:15-7:45. Is this too long? She will be 6 months in a week. Any input, suggestions, or personal experiences would be helpful! I do think the landlord will be open to a pet walker, if need be.

Thank you!

Amy and Daisy

Views: 44


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Comment by Charlie on June 3, 2008 at 4:42pm
Daisy should do great in her crate or a playpen for 5 or 6 hours, especially with a good long walk beforehand. Charlie easily sleeps for that many hours in my recliner while I work. Our hour to hour and a half walk in the morning zonks him out for the afternoon. On bad weather days when we don't walk, he's much more hyper. Good luck with the new job!
Comment by Yogi on June 3, 2008 at 12:42pm
If she's potty trained, I'd look into using an exercise pen if you're worried about crating during your time away. My 2.5 month old puppy stays in a pen while we're gone and he is progressing with his potty training. He has more room to sprawl out in the pen. On weekends and when he needs to be confined when we're home, we use the crate.
Comment by Amy Parish on June 3, 2008 at 11:20am
Thank you all so much! Luckily, I can give her a nice walk beforehand. Now we will have a fenced yard she can run around in too, so that will be nice. Thanks again! I was nervous about it.
Comment by Cindi on June 3, 2008 at 11:08am
Keeping her in the crate for a few hours is okay. Patti and I both work and sometimes "the kids" are there for 6-7 hours. The trick is to be sure to take her outside to potty right when you get home (and she is not jumping nuts in the crate - she needs to be calm when you remove her). Then get in a good walk to help bring her energy level down.
Comment by Amy Parish on June 3, 2008 at 10:52am
Did you keep them in the crate? Sometimes I feel bad because she will just be chillin' in there...But, I know that when I know she's potty trained I will let her out during the day. Thank you! That makes me feel a lot better.
Comment by Sam Tsang on June 3, 2008 at 10:43am
That sounds fine, 5 hours is not bad at all, she should have the capacity to hold. When we first got our pups years ago, both of us had to work 8+ hours. Daisy will do just fine :)

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