Spontaneous corgi meet up in Refugio!

Skittles and I were moving back to Houston when we stopped in Refugio, TX (I think Nolan Ryan was born there...) to get gas. What do I see but two corgi owners with their cardis! I hopped out of my car and ran to meet their doggies. Adorable little scamps! The larger one was a tri, and the smaller one was a blue merle; both as friendly as could be! Their owner was feeding them fries. I went back to my car and brought back Skittles. The cardis weren't having it...they were fry-possessive, and Skittles was apparently encroaching on their potato territory. The owners and I chatted a bit more, and then Skittles and I returned to gassing up the civic.

What a nice little surprise we had!

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Comment by Flying Aces on June 10, 2008 at 10:35am
So I was digging around in the back of our car at a gas station in little Refugio, TX when this young lately came sprinting out of her car towards me..."Excuse me, sir"...(I'm thinking what the heck does this crazy lady want)..Then she says "Can I see your Corgis?"... Immediately I realize that she is not crazy, she is just a fellow corgi lover!

Hi Melissa and Skittles! We are the fry feeders you are talking about! We checked out mycorgi.com after you mentioned it when we met the other day and found your post. Sorry about the fry-possessiveness, but you just don't come between a corgi and his fries! Good luck on our move, and perhaps we will see you and skittles again along the way.

P.S. The site we have been using regularly is cool2bcorgi.com
Comment by Cindi on June 10, 2008 at 10:31am
Cool! Love the "encroaching their potato territory." Too funny!
Comment by Sam Tsang on June 9, 2008 at 9:22am
Cardis!!! That's a pleasant surprise :)
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on June 9, 2008 at 2:03am
Lola loves fries.... so strange lol

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