I've been so busy with Penelope I haven't had much time to update on her! I hope to get some more picutres up this afternoon of her that have been held hostage on my camera! However, at 14 weeks she's adjusted pretty well I'd say. She is just being a silly puppy. Sometimes she is super sweet and sometimes she is kind of a bully. I know many of you have offered help on her pretty bad biting and I appreciate it, but nothing works very long except to just get away from it. Some days she is really good, I think the training and bite inhibition is working, then the next day you can see where the teeth ripped the skin and is now scabbed. I know she is a puppy and she is going to bite, but we have to curb how hard she can bite and make us bleed, so we are working through that with the vet, who is also a trainer, and in puppy class. I do thank everyone who responded to me and helped though! We are just trying to be consistent, as we had always been, and keep using bite inhibition the reinforcement of the good things!

Puppy class has been pretty good so far. We've only had two classes. Penelope was the barker that could not keep still and set off the other dogs as class was starting. She eventually did better, but I had to sit there and give her a treat after she was calmed for a little while throughout the class. She's smart though, already ahead of the class. We had a private session last week since we had to miss regular class (she got to socialize elsewhere though!). I think she impressed the trainer since we already knew sit very well and stay. She learned come so quickly and did leash walking okay. The only problem she had with that is that she cuts a few of the corners she is supposed to follow to try to get the treat! She had been doing well on the leash at home, but this was to get more control over her on the leash. She does do well while at class and plays great with all the puppies. However, I have found after the two classes, she is more rambunctious and bite more than usual after class. I would think that she would be tired after an hour of all that.

Other than that she is healthy and does better with potty training. However, she's had a couple of accidents in the night, last night I know was because she got into a water dish right before bed and drank a lot. Even taking her out before she was kenneled for bed time wasn't enough. But, I have no idea what happened the other time, we took up the water dish two hours before bedtime. Oh well, she is just learning I guess! I am thankful for no accidents in the house though. She has learned to go hang out by the door so we can get her out! Even though she draws blood occasionally, we love her and she is really fun to have around!

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Comment by Cindi on June 10, 2008 at 10:28am
Hi Megan! Glad to hear Penelope is doing so well. The reason she bites more after class is because class actually encourages her high-energy. Taking her for a walk after class will help bring that energy down. Also, as for biting, when she plays rough like that, squeal and stop play and attention immediately. If need be, get up and walk away. Don't acknowledge her at all apart from the high-pitched squeal. After a bit, she'll realize that when she bites, play stops and she is ignored. It should help curb the biting. Good luck! Sounds like you're doing a GREAT job with Penelope!

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