Well it's been two weeks since Griffey has come home to live with me and its been one of the most memorable times of my life. He is such a character, especially for such a young dog. Everybody has just fallen for the little guy already. My two roommates absolutely adore him and everyone who comes in contact with him instantly want to get their own corgi. He definitely is a lady killer.I never realized how much of a secret the Corgi breed is. I get asked at least 2-3 times a day what type of dog he is and I just kind of expect it now whenever we run into a stranger. I used to respond to them that he's a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, but the looks I would get on peoples faces made me change my answer to "he's a Corgi."

He has so much personality it is bursting out of him. I have so much to blog about it would be impossible for me to write it all down and it's only been two weeks! I forget which member on here likened their corgi to a Hoover vacuum cleaner, but that is an understatement to say the least. If it's on the ground, moving or not, it's going into Griffey's mouth. He has killed more dragonflies, beatles, ants, leaves, twigs, and anything else that gets in his path than I can count. I've probably said "No!" more times in the past two weeks than over the course of my entire life. He is such a mischievous little guy, it's almost cute. He loves to plop down on the carpet and go to town on it like a cow chewing a piece of grass. The unfortunate problem is that we have a berber carpet so we have all these loops of carpet that have been pulled up due to the little guy. He has literally put TWO holes in the wall next to his crate. I have no idea how he did it, but I woke up the other day and found a hole in the wall behind his crate. I was trying to remember if it was something I did, but then the next day there was another hole in the wall! I have never heard of such a thing in my life, he went right through the dry-wall.

Overall, he is absolutely the greatest puppy I could have asked for. He is extremely social and is so loving. I was a bit worried at first because he had a rough start to life, but by being next to him for more than a second you would never know. He loves to give kisses, though we need to be careful cause he will nibble on your ear if you aren't careful. He has become my shadow, but will disappear in a heartbeat if I am not watching him all the time. Oh and he just loves the Animal Planet channel. His favorite show is "It's me or the dog." He tries his best to communicate with the dogs on the show.

I'll post more pictures and some videos soon, but its time for his walk. Oh and is it just me or do they grow up way to fast? I swear he has doubled in size already!

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Comment by Cindi on June 11, 2008 at 11:49am
I'm thrilled that Griff is doing so well. They are so adorable when they're pups! Keep us up to date with pics as you can!
Comment by momto3ltlgrlz on June 11, 2008 at 10:33am
I am so glad that Griffey is doing well! He sounds like such a character. The personality is so cute in Corgi's, and I am so glad that his personality is evident after all he has been through. Lily does not 'hoover' everything, but she does investigate things. Yesterday morning she 'investigated' a water bug that was in the kitchen. She did not try to eat it, but played and slapped it around. We picked it up and tossed it outside so she did not end up eating it, especially since she was getting spayed.
The funny thing about the whole 'Corgi' breed question for me is that most people where I live know immediately that she is a Corgi. I have found that many people that I meet have been wanting a Corgi but do not know enough about them. Lily is a good example and they play with her a bit to see that they are a fun breed. Luckily for me, they already know the price so I have not been asked how much she was. Keep up the wonderful work Junior! Griffey is such a darling!
Comment by Karen & Bailey on June 11, 2008 at 10:23am
i actualy do tell them what i got bailey for - cause you're literally put on the spot! - but ill try making a joke out of it from now on. lol. it is awkward. corgis in general are just so popular, we also that "wheres his tail" question too! it gets complicated answering that question - but al i really say is "its the breed's standard". it gets too lengthy otherwise.

it was really funny yesterday. i was walking bailey in our neighborhood... then he goes potty. well then like 2 seconds later a cop car pulls up (two lady cops) and i immediately go "uhhhh ohhh" thinking if we've done anything wrong. He only went pee and its not like i can wipe that up, so... i started getting nervous! For no reason really. Two seconds later they rolled down the window and said "OHHHHHH how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" both cops double parked their cop car and came out to pet Bailey and Bailey was just loving it (he loves any type of attention - a corgi who would willingly jump in their car if they asked him). It was the funniest moment but very awkward and very nervewracking. hahahha I have a clean record! and so does Bailey - but there was just something awkward about the whole situation - but anyways, its nice when people know he's a corgi! =) and those were some nice cops.
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on June 11, 2008 at 9:08am
For the price question I just put a dumb face and reply something like "oh not much just around $10,000". That usually diverts the conversation really quick, or yes there are the others that look at you and say "really? wow!!!". Other times I just answer "not much" and divert the question. I simply don't care about the price of a dog, and yes I consider that info something personal. So it shouldn't be asked to strangers.

For the Corgi question, I have gotten several from mutt, to miniature german shepperds. The one that I loved the best was a three year old saying "look ma, a georgie!". Later I found out she is a dog fan, (she actually asked if she could pet the dog!!!!) , loves Cesar Millan, and all kind of t.v. shows of dogs, and that she wants a "bagle" (beagle).
Comment by Emily Schroeder on June 11, 2008 at 2:06am
I love the "what kind of dog is that?" question! I have gotten SO MANY guesses! One guy asked me if she was a pit bull mix. I giggled. Most ask me if she's some kind of mutt. I explain, nooo, she's a pure bred Corgi of the Pembroke variety. Then explain that she's not really the same color as *most* corgis. But still wonderful and loveable.

My experience with corgivacuum is that you have to be firm with "NO", or what ever noise you want to use in its place. Zephyr eventually got the point and drops stuff right away and doesn't pick up as much stuff as before.
Comment by Junior and Griffey on June 11, 2008 at 12:27am
He is 14 weeks old as of tomorrow. When I took him to the vet at 12 weeks he weighed in at an even 9lbs. He looks like he has added like 2-3lbs over the past two weeks. His butt has definitely added a little wiggle to it, but we won't know for sure till he goes to the vet next week to get his final shots.

Also an addendum to the "what kind of dog is that?" question. The next thing out of the persons mouth is usually "where's his tail?" or "how much was he?" I can answer the tail questions but I always feel awkward answering the cost question. Do you all just tell strangers how much you paid or kind of shy away from the question?
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 10, 2008 at 10:40pm
Aw, he sounds great! Congratulations!
I can relate to the "what kind of dog is that?" question. I want to have a shirt made for Sidney that says "I'm a Welsh Corgi. Yes, I am supposed to be this short!"
Comment by Karen & Bailey on June 10, 2008 at 9:27pm
they grow up really fast. i lucked out with a great pup too. hes was no longer a bity dog after the first two weeks, and he just loves every dog and every one. you are soooooo right about that "hes a corgi" thing. hahahahaa.. cracks me up! =P

bailey, however, does not scarf things up on the floor. hes actually quite picky about what goes in his mouth but has an affinity for carrying things in his mouth but not consuming them, more of a "hey mommy look what i found isnt it great im going to bring it back home!!!!" hahahaha... =) and as for carpet, he seems to like to dig and munch on a particular section of our living room rug. hes pretty good with stopping whatever hes doing if i go "uh uh". and its a new rug. i dont get it! anywhoo, if No! doesnt work (it doesnt work much with Bailey) , weve had great sucess with "uh uh". =P

how old is he now?!?!!?! im still trying to find out if bailey is humungous. hes almost 5 months and a little over 20 lbs. =)

have fun with your corgi! time for our evening walk too!

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