After a hard night Kassie's back from the vet's and her surgery went well. Had to pick her up by myself, which was hard cuz I hate anything doctor related. Guess I think the Vet might want to update me on my shots too. The doctor tried to show me her stitches, but I had to tell her to put the dog down cuz I had to drive home, and I didn't know if they had smelling salts in the office. (Brit you know what I mean). It was fun. Kassie still hasn't eaten much, and I have to keep an eye on her stitches, this is gonna be a tiring 10 days, chasing after my dog making sure she's not licking, scratching, or biting anything. And somehow I gotta put neosporin on her, even though she won't let me touch it. Hmm, tips anyone?

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Comment by Adam & Brittany on June 15, 2008 at 8:13pm
aww you poor thing, glad everything seems to have turned out ok though. getting Kirby neutered should be an interesting experience as well. glad i have a few months before we have to worry about that. did they give you any take home meds? a lot of times for dogs who are really hyper they can give you a light sedative to mix in their food so they'll relax and sleep a little more. and the cones can help of course. <3
Comment by Kristen on June 12, 2008 at 11:33am
Ours kept catchnig the cone on the floor and it looked painful so we stopped using it. Neo to go. The new neosporin that you spray on would be a good option for you.
Comment by Corgi Mom on June 11, 2008 at 8:32pm
On they have different version of the E-collar that looks like a travel pillow in the shape of a donut. Maybe that could help. My boss (I work for a vet) always advises that it's okay for them to tend to their stitches. As long as Kassie's incision isn't open, has puss or looks really, really "angry" then she'll heal just fine. There's really no need to put antibiotic ointment of any kind on the incision.

She'll limit herself to what she feels comfortable doing indoors so don't worry about her running around - inside. Just when you take her outside to do her business and such that you keep her on a leash and not allowed to run. Good luck. :-)

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