Sadie didn't know what that meant, but right now... she does. At least she has her favorite froggie squeaky toy with her to keep her company during the ordeal.
She's at the Vet. It's just a routine dental, but she needs to be put under because there is no way she would sit still to have this done while awake. We're getting her micro-chipped at the same time. I know I shouldn't be worried... and the date is just the date... but Mercury is still doing it's retrograde boogie and Sadie is not a puppy anymore... things happen.
I'm waiting ANXIOUSLY by the phone for the call to come get her.
Meantime, I'm feeling so bad because the tarter buildup on her back teeth got so bad. We brush... (well, I brush, she chews on the brush) but corgi's mouths go so far *back* that I guess I've been missing her far back molars. I brush Rolo's teeth and his are sparkling white and no sign of tartar. I didn't understand it and asked my vet how it could be that I brush them both the same amount and his teeth were so much better than hers. He said each dog is different in the way their saliva builds up, mouth shape and chewing what might be enough for one dog, will barely have any impact on another.
My question to the masses... how do you tackle oral hygiene with your dogs.
Some nice words of reassurance about older dogs going under anesthesia just fine would be appreciated, as well.... :/
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