Sounds like a hair salon/restaurant chain, huh? :)

Not so, says Rolo!

He returned from the vet Friday afternoon, neutered and very woozy. We spent the afternoon together curled up on the couch with him licking my knees, fingers, anything within reach. He hasn't seemed to be in any pain, but I have been administering his little puppy pill every 12 hours as our vet said. No problem with him licking the incision site... he can't reach it anyway. heh.

The most touching thing was when he got home... Sadie sniffed his nose...then sniffed ALL the way down his body... then licked his nose twice. That's really the first time she's shown any concern for him since we brought him home.

That rapidly changed as throughout the weekend he is back to his old rambunctious self. We keep him from jumping and such, but he's a little fireball of energy. I was sort of hoping that the drugged and sleepy version would be the Rolo we were getting. It was nice to have a cuddlebunny instead of a yippy nippy puppy!

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Comment by NoClaws4Alarm on May 1, 2008 at 7:22am
The only time I've seen Rolo attempt it, the poor lil guy looked around to aim and nailed himself in the face! Lesson learned really quick. He still doesn't have much in the way of coordination.

Probably has something to do with his long body. I've noticed he's a lot longer than Sadie already, and still a puppy. Looks like he's taking after his Daddy, Albert, as far as body type. Albert was a BIG Corgi. I got pictures of him and his mom, Kimber, when we picked him up. I should post them as part of his family album :)
Comment by James on April 30, 2008 at 8:24pm
Little cheez-it gives a half-lift about 20% of the time.
Comment by Charlie on April 30, 2008 at 7:21pm
Charlie hikes often enough to make up for all the squatters. LOL

I'm happy to hear his surgery went well! : - )
Comment by NoClaws4Alarm on April 30, 2008 at 5:50pm cone! He's really long bodied and can't even reach his privates on a good day, much less after surgery!

He had just turned 6 months old 2 weeks before. My vet said it was safe to go from 6mos on, but it was best to do it before he got into the habit of lifting a leg and marking everything.

Question... are there any male corgi's out there that actually LIFT their leg to pee?

I swear, every one I've ever seen, squats.
Comment by James on April 29, 2008 at 7:56pm
No "cone of embaressment" was needed? How old is the little guy? I'm trying to figure out what age to take Cheez-it for some snips n' chips. Though he prefers mediteranian.

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