I need a little help with my baby. I'll give you the story of how it started...
Last year around this time Lola turned 1 year old and she was a happy healthy puppy. One morning I took her out in the yard to do her business and she came in and began coughing. It wasn't really a normal cough and it sounded like something was stuck in her throat. I immediately took her to the vet and he listened to her lungs and said she was clear and sounded normal. He said to bring her back if it happened again. The next morning she woke up, drank her water, and the coughing started again. It was a Sunday and that's the day the vet was closed so I brought her the next day. But she only seemed to cough after drinking water and playing. I finally brought her in on Monday, told him about her coughing and he listened to her lungs again and told me that it might be a problem with the rings around the trachea. He gave me some pills (I forget the name of them, and all of our stuff is packed away so I can't find the papers right now) and her coughing stopped. She took the pills for one week, I brought her back and he gave me another set of pills. He said it was a precautionary just in case the coughing came back. It all stopped and she became her normal self again.

But here's where my real worries start. She has the same coughing now. I'm wondering what it could be... She didn't cough for almost a year and has not come in contact with any dogs lately. Any advice? Should I bring her to the vet tomorrow? Could it be allergies? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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Comment by Tammey & Caven on July 27, 2008 at 3:30pm
Hi Stephanie, sorry to hear about Lola's cough. Have you considered that she might have seasonal allergies. You said that it started about this time last year (spring/early summer) and then popped back up this year about the same time. Bear has allergies and will itch and cough at various times during the year but because we travel so much we can usually attribute it to where we are such as California (he is allergic to Calf.) Califronia almost always has a lot of pollen and stuff in the air. If we have to go there we keep him dosed up with baby benidril and try to get out of the state as quickly as possible. Try it, it can't hurt her. And good luck she looks like an angle.
Comment by Alina on July 10, 2008 at 3:00pm
I hope Lola's been feeling better lately. Has there been any more coughing?
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on June 14, 2008 at 3:07pm
Thank you Cindi, and James again. I am in search of a good vet, but Lola doesn't like men so it's difficult. Most of the vets in my area are men with female nurses. She doesn't snore and her gums are always a good pink color. She only coughs after drinking water, and playing/running around. She has never coughed from just having a lazy day around the house. I really hope I don't have to put her through surgery
Comment by Cindi on June 14, 2008 at 11:39am
The other consideration is tracheal collapse or the extra skin around the soft palate. Some dogs are prone based on their physiology. There are surgeries for both. Find a GOOD vet: someone who is caring and doesn't just pass you off. It will serve you well in the long run. Keep us posted!
Comment by James on June 14, 2008 at 4:40am
Well, watery eyes and deep coughing can be a sign of a respitory infection, or (as you said the eye discharge is "mostly" clear) possibly kennel cough. There is no need to be around other dogs to get kennel cough, it's just more likely that way. I would make sure her gums/tongue arent turning blue and keep an eye out for changes in her breathing particularly while sleeping. has she started snoring recently? When in particular does she do this? Only after drinking water?
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on June 14, 2008 at 3:56am
Thanks for replying James! It sounds almost as if she has something stuck in her throat, and it is a deep sound. I would say that it sounds dry, and nothing actually comes out of her mouth when she coughs. She has some watery discharge from her eyes, but it is mostly clear.
Comment by James on June 14, 2008 at 3:50am
How does the cough sound? Is it high or low? Dry or wet sounding? Does it sound like airway blockage (a weezing) is there any discharge?(what color/ect.) Finally are there any other symptoms such as yellowing eyes/nose? Unfortunately coughing is one of those things that almost everything causes the dog to do.

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