Hey every one,

JD is my first dog ever and Im learning lot. But yesterday I found a 8 week old lab puppy for my husband (not my choice, i would have gotten another corgi). But we have been having problems with the a/c in our house and the guys that came to work with it left it in pices. But it was putting out a lil cold air IN THE BASEMENT!! So Scott (my husband) and my dad put it back to geather and its now cooler in here than it was, i told you that to tell u this, when we got cope home JD and her played till we went to bed and when we got up played even more, in this hot house but we have had water and food out for the 2 of them and windows open to let in some cool air. To day the 2 of them have a case of diarrea. And i dont know what to do. I didnt know if it could because of the heat, or because they have been playing in the heat and gitting to excited can some one give me some tips please!

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