Hey everyone, I wanted to post a little update on the goings-on with our little man.
First off, Grover is in his third week of obedience training classes. So far we have learned an awesome sit, a reluctant down and a work-in-progress stay. He's doing great on the leash. Our walks are easy and fun now that he's started to get into them. At first when started the daily double of walks, he was so reluctant to go. But now he goes to the door when I grab the leash! One of the great parts about having a dog is that I have gotten to know all my neighbors (especially the ones that have dogs, too!). Everyday we walk Grove in the morning, early, about 6:30 am. It gets him nice and tired before I leave for work. And in the afternoon, he goes for another. He has to make his rounds and visit with all the folks and dogs in the neighborhood that he has become friends with. He totally hasn't ever met a person he doesn't like and really he thinks he likes every dog he meets too. We are still struggling with keeping him from running up to every dog he sees, because some are just not as friendly as he is. The training class has been great to get him socialized with some other fairly well behaved dogs. And he doing a great job of staying focused in those classes even with all the other dogs around to distract him (He is VERY easily distracted!!). Grover did have one pretty big faux pas the other day in class. We were practicing "wait" and the trainer had set up a gate thing for us to walk through. Everyone was taking a turn going through, so all eyes were on us when it was our turn. Of course, this is when Grover decides that he has a potty emergency and takes a big poo right in the doorway of the gate!! The instructor had to stop class so I could clean it up!! I was so embarrassed! And Grover was too! He just looked up at me like "sorry, ma! I just couldn't wait!!"
Other than that one little mess up, he is an awesomely smart pup at training class!
The other little update is that Grover had his manhood removed last Monday. He was such a trooper. I think the entire process was more traumatic for me than for him!! When I dropped him off, he just went with the vet tech like she was his new best friend. He had no idea what was coming. Just seeing his little, trusting face brought tears to my eyes! I'm such baby that I totally got to my car and just cried!! But it all worked out just fine! The vet said that he did great and came through the surgery like a superstar. But when I picked him up, he was so groggy and just lay on my feet while I paid the bill. He was so happy to see me but he could barely keep his eyes open! I totally cried again when we got to the car and I really got a good look at his incision!! Poor honey!! But it is a week later, almost, and he's looking good. Of course, the very next day after the surgery he popped open the glue on the outer incision, running around the house like a mad man! So that has made the healing process a little slow. But, overall, the incision looks better and better everyday!

One interesting thing I noticed during the whole neutering ordeal was how much I've grown accustomed to having Grover with me all the time! I worked from home the day he had the surgery and my house just seemed so empty without him in it!
I've only had Grover since April and I can't believe how much he's changed my life. Who knew a dog could do that? He adds so much to our lives. He's funny and charming and smart and loving. And I already can't imagine what I'd do without him!!!

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Comment by Sam on June 30, 2008 at 7:59am
What a good corgi mom! Oh they can be such wonderful pals if we take the time to socialize and train them. Dont worry about the potty accident at class. It happens all the time. The club where I instructed had a clean up kit on both ends of the building.....no biggie. Sometimes excited pups just have to go....and in a different environment really have no way to ask. Keep up the good work. Sounds like Grover is going to be a stellar pal.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on June 30, 2008 at 2:35am
The update was great! Congrats on Grover doing so well.
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on June 29, 2008 at 11:57pm
I loved this little update!! When I walked Lola down the beach the other day she had already peed and pooped in our yard and then she decided to stop in the middle of the sidewalk and go #2. Everyone stopped and stared, boy was I embarrassed!!

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