Today I was petting my Corgi and looking at her skin, since we've been having some food allergy issues with her I've been on the look out for scabby patches or flaky spots, and what did I find? Argh!! A flea!
I thought, "Well, She's on Sentinel, she probably just picked one up at the Dog Park. No big deal." And I smooshed it.
I continued on my look over and near her butt fluff, I find another flea. Agh! Smoosh.
I JUST gave her the Sentinel, so I go over and read the box. It says it doesn't kill adult flea. Buah.
So my little Corgi had to suffer the indignity of being lathered up in the front yard with Flea Shampoo and then made to sit for 5 minutes and marinate in it, then hosed off in the most humiliating was, while the neighborhood children watched with amusement.
Just to make it fair, I powdered the cats too. Everyone in the house is equally miserable now!
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