Yes, how is it that i win and we NQ, did not qualify! Quite simply, kaley corgi stays on the field for 139.90 seconds, rather than the 72 seconds allowed and fraps to her hearts content ------------ refusing the "TABLE" obstacle.

no, i did not fall, but i thought if i got down on her level, she would get on the table! she does eventually, but runs off, a big tease! I tried to tease too by saying, "wanta cookie?"
She did the same, two days in a row, AKC style. I think she thinks it is major handler error and no way is that 12 inch wood table a table! Jump UP to a table, not down! NO fun for a corgi to jump down!
catch her
video here.....and see just what happens.
We did Q in snooker, 2nd place and in jumpers, 3rd. Slowly, kaley corgi and i are becoming a team, but i do have to be on my toes all the time for she does love her frappin'!

teeter is fun, just not silly table please!
smiles : )
catch the rest of the wkend trials pic here,
flickr style!
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