kaley~corgi USDAA agility (standard run) ----- does it her way, but i still "WIN" even if we NQ!

Yes, how is it that i win and we NQ, did not qualify! Quite simply, kaley corgi stays on the field for 139.90 seconds, rather than the 72 seconds allowed and fraps to her hearts content ------------ refusing the "TABLE" obstacle.

no, i did not fall, but i thought if i got down on her level, she would get on the table! she does eventually, but runs off, a big tease! I tried to tease too by saying, "wanta cookie?"

She did the same, two days in a row, AKC style. I think she thinks it is major handler error and no way is that 12 inch wood table a table! Jump UP to a table, not down! NO fun for a corgi to jump down!

catch her video here.....and see just what happens.

We did Q in snooker, 2nd place and in jumpers, 3rd. Slowly, kaley corgi and i are becoming a team, but i do have to be on my toes all the time for she does love her frappin'!

teeter is fun, just not silly table please!

smiles : )

catch the rest of the wkend trials pic here, flickr style!

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Comment by sandra on July 8, 2008 at 8:59pm
yes, she is good at fly ball, learned fast, but it is such devotion to the team and it meant being gone lots of wkends and staying in hotels, etc....she loved flyball!

agility was not so structured,

they all loved kaley for she is the short dog and set the ht for all the dogs!...shepards and bc dogs only had to clear 12 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!

smiles : )
Comment by sandra on July 8, 2008 at 7:01pm
yes, the TABLE....akc, usdaa style...nooo way.
hehe, i will win over here, and we or i shall make one, 12 inches, and 3' by 3', wood top!

i want to enter the usdaa event in aug so we shall tackle the table--took me 9 mo to have her love the teeter and now she goes on for fun.....hehe, kaley corgi will not win over me..

still fraps, but i get her back and i am 'hyper' enough she thinks it is fun, so she runs and i yell, what obstacle next and the "HUP" for ea jump.

it is fun, but it is not easy...kaley corgi tries me all the time....i have pics taken and videos and i see sooo many times how she got off course and distracted!

she saw the camera person and stopped and turned and posed and i had to yell for her to move and get to the next obstacle.....she is pure crazy, ehhee, but i love it and now at least i can take the leash off and walk a few ft and release........ooo the frustration of her jumping the gun before i was ready, ugh!

alt="" width="800" height="512"/>

wait, someone is taking pics mum!

just one more second mum....i pose quick!.....and corgi smile!

"HERE! HERE" i yell to kaley corgi!......she breaks focus and runs with me again!...good thing she is fast for every split second counts....this was a NQ run, due to fooling around and the TABLE!

smiles : )

she makes everyone smile n laugh when she fraps, and me yelling loud KALEY COME, or sometimes i get down and say KALEY COME....she now returns faster....and we go on in the course!...never know what happens in the run, but mainly, i have to work fast or she goes off course n gets frustrated....

kaley is a very very very fast dog and she wants perfection in the ring, and i am not perfect!
Comment by Ivy & Bryson on July 8, 2008 at 6:42pm
This is fantastic! I saw some of your photos on Flickr too. It's funny she doesn't want to do the table, there's that little streak of stubbornness that gives our corgis so much personality ;)
Comment by Kristen on July 8, 2008 at 5:32pm
Kaley just makes me smile;o) Hard to get mad at such a happy dog!

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