Its been a long time since I've posted anything regarding Blaze. Sadly, we decided to give him back to his breeder. We had him for eight weeks, and it just seemed like no matter what we did, he continued his aggressive tendencies towards the children. As I mentioned previously, he was the alpha dog in his litter. I wish now that we had observed him with his litter prior to getting him, but that wasn't possible since there were only three pups and one was taken before we got there.

It was a very hard decision for me. I cried for days, and I still feel guilty, somehow... like I failed him by not trying hard enough to acclimate him to our family? The people that know us and saw how Blaze was, all tell me that it was the right decision to give him back to his breeder so she can either keep him for herself on the farm or find him a more suitable home.

For what its worth-- he had a GREAT eight weeks with us. He got wonderful food, a nice place to live, tons of attention, awesome toys... and we LOVED him. But it came down to my daughter telling me at bedtime one night, "Mom, I love Blaze, but I don't like him." What do you tell your eight year old daughter after you hear that? We just couldn't get a handle on his biting and lunging at us after discipline (I tried EVERYTHING).

I will still be on this webpage in the future-- I love all of your pictures and your comments and threads. This experience has left us very sad and demoralized. We aren't going to attempt to have another puppy for at least a year, maybe more... so we can REALLY look around for a good, (maybe more accomplished??) breeder that can help us find the dog with the RIGHT temperament for us. :-( I'm still, for lack of a better word, bummed. We miss him so much.

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Comment by Anne on July 15, 2008 at 12:03pm
Well I really feel for you. We went thru this 5 years ago when we rescued a basset hound which should be a laid back dog to help us get over loosing one of our beagles to a heart attack. We still had our other beagle and thought another hound would be a good companion. After 3 months the basset decided he wanted to be alpha and we had many bad fights for over a month before we finally decided to take him back to the rescue where we got him. Very hard decisions and I cried on the way there and after but best for thing for our family. When we were looking for a dog after our beagle died this past Jan. we put feelers out to cardigan corgi breeders looking for a 2 year old male. I researched breeders websites and sent emails. We thought we might have a few less issues with getting a dog this way. We can't do puppies with our schedules. We ended up with a 2 year old female who is a sweet heart but was not socialized enough so she has taken a lot of patience and time to get her to look at the world has a great place. One good thing since she had not bonded that much before she is velcro girl to me and when I am not here my husband. But adjustment time for any rescue is at least 2 months in my experience. Le-Le took more but she is worth it and turning into a great dog. Good luck and there is a fury one out there for you.
Comment by Danielle_RN on July 15, 2008 at 10:51am
Kara has actually made me bleed twice in the last week. We are working hard on strongly discouraging this since we too, have small children. It's very frustrating. Maybe while you have small children it would be better to try to find an older pup that is past that teething and biting stage, although it sounds as though it was more aggressiveness with Blaze than just teething. I wanted to adopt a 4 yr old german shepard but my Dh felt that we wouldn't have as many years with him before he got old. I was thinking that he would be more laid back and past the potty training and teething, etc.. I do think you did the right thing, please don't feel bad. I have been through similar situations and have really blamed myself and things afterward and it's not your fault. You did the right thing, some people would have just chained a dog outside and kept it isolated or taken it to a shelter, but you gave him a second chance for a better fit somewhere. You did well.
Comment by Parker on July 15, 2008 at 9:35am
What a sad situation for everyone! I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you guys! But it sounds like you made the most responsible decision for Blaze and your kiddos. What a tough choice though! Hang in there and, as everyone else saide, keep looking for a pooch that will match your family. You'll find one!
Comment by Steve on July 15, 2008 at 12:13am
Sorry to hear it didn't work out with Blaze. I'm sure it was a tough decision to make but it was the right one as you have to protect your children and you did it out of love for everyone, including Blaze. Cherish the memories you had with him during those 8weeks and I hope you'll find a pooch who will fit your family.
Comment by Kimberly on July 14, 2008 at 10:31pm
Wow thank you all so much. You have made me feel a lot better.. not 100%, but definitely better than I was feeling ever since we took him back. I will definitely contact some rescue organizations and let them know that we're here if they ever have a corgi that would fit in our life. We so badly want a little four legged pooch to love!!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on July 14, 2008 at 7:12pm
I'm so sorry, but please don't be too sad. You did the right thing. The right dog for you will come to you in time. Before we got Sidney, we brought home a 4 year old female named Foxy. She had an immediate dislike for my elderly corgi mix, Bruce. She constantly attacked him and when she drew blood, we knew she had to go back. We cried all the way back, a two-hour drive, but we knew it was best for us and for Bruce. It was hard even having her one day, I can only imagine after 8 weeks! About 3 months after the Foxy experience, we found Sidney and everyone gets along great. Initially Bruce looked at him like Foxy had returned, but he warmed up pretty fast.
Comment by Erica on July 14, 2008 at 2:10pm
This problem seems to be common. My Wyatt has this same problem, yet he has many. He lunges and has an aggressive attitude towards children. We are working on it right now and he seems to be getting better. Good luck with the search for a new best friend.
Comment by Liz Thompson on July 14, 2008 at 12:20pm
A tough decision to make, I am sure your pup will find a suitable home. Check out the rescues, when you get an adult dog you know exactly what you are getting. Plus, they are just as cute as puppies! And usually housebroken - a real plus. Good Luck!
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 14, 2008 at 11:29am
You have done the right thing! It is not an easy decision, but you did it out of love for your family and Blaze. Check out the rescues in your area, they might be able to match a calm submissive corgi that fits your lifestyle!
Comment by Carmen on July 14, 2008 at 11:27am
What a hard decision to make. I hope that you can find a puppy that fits your family. Many breeders just place puppies to sell them. Unfortunately that leads to situations like this. We are thinking of you during this tough period.

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