2 days ago, Charlie officially went in to heat. Not sure how long the little bits of blood are going to last.. We tried putting a diaper on her, but that didn't last too long, she always manages to tear it off when I'm not looking! But none-the-less she's officially an adult now :-)

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Comment by Kitty's Corner on July 18, 2008 at 1:03am
Kitty spotted for a month.Diapers didn't stay on,so,I bought cloth,velcro attachment ,pants and they fit much better.I put reg.womens disposible liners in them and changed the liners often.Worked really well.
Comment by Sam on July 17, 2008 at 5:13pm
The heat cycle generally last 21 days, for some dogs up to 28. The first week you will see lots of spotting. The second week it is generally more clear. The last week they spot again. Their scent travels far and wide. Dogs have been known to travel quite a distance to find the grand "aroma" Dogs will be in hormonal overdrive and stop at nothing to follow natures calling. Do know that dog "panties" does not stop a breeding from taking place. Great care should be taken that she is not in the company of intact males.
Comment by Sam Tsang on July 17, 2008 at 5:04pm
YAY! She's growing up now :) The blood will last about 2 weeks, 1 pad a day is recommended. You may be able to get by with 1 every two days, but it'll smell and stained a little. Try adjusting the velcro tighter, whenever she tries to lick or dig in the diaper, say "ur ur" and do something else to distract her. Good luck!

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